it's getting to be about that time, so to try to contain some of the book release chaos, here is a thread of buy links & event info. first things first, you can buy a hardcover copy via your local indie and/or Indiebound
f you want to buy an audiobook AND support @skylightbooks, my home bookstore, you can do that on the cheap via @librofm
tonight I'm going to be LIVE on Instagram at 5pm Pacific; you can also catch me on Friday, April 10 as part of @QuarantineBook
obviously IRL events have been cancelled so I was thrilled to be part of @Belletristbooks's Virtual Book Tour 
So so so thrilled to be included in @thebookcon's Readathon this Saturday! Catch me reading from Look, answering a few q's, and supporting Book Industry Charitable Foundation at 11:45 am pacific
updated my events page, since I do have events coming up, even in these wild times. @QuarantineBook today!!!! #bookconreadathon tomorrow and @_triangle_house HOMEBOUND on Monday 
You can follow @zanopticon.
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