disgustingly, abhorrently racist quotes from t*d n*gent. i hope he dies soon and when he does i’m throwing a party. y’all are invited!
not to mention other racist quotes, such as these:
and, believe it or not, he’s not just an awful racist; he’s a rampant sexist, homophobe, AND pedophile! the lyrics are from his actual song, jailbait.
last but not least, if his seething hatred for any human that isn’t a white, straight, christian, conservative male isn’t enough to make your blood boil, here’s some examples of his extremely disturbing love of murdering animals.
in conclusion: all of y’all should join me in despising the mere existence of t*d n*gent. what a shame it is that the amboy dukes were actually decent!
dear ted, i hope you die a painful death and rot in hell for eternity. BASTARD.
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