The #CoronavirusOutbreak Screenplay (Spec)
// Plot Points //

1. Wannabe totalitarian government (WTG) releases a virus into countries it has geopolitical/financial issues with
2. WTG monitors the impact, mortality rates, etc.
3. WTG closes all borders, internal & international.
4. Martial law is enacted. Public gatherings, elections, major events are cancelled.
5. WTG modifies the virus to, through DNA markers, have a specific mortality rate, cause sterilization in certain races or
5a. increases the likelihood of the carrier to spread virus.
6. Based on 5a, areas and camps are created for quarantine (i.e. undesirables).
7. As countries with lesser infrastructure fail, WTG modifies the DNA markers further, culling unwanted populations.

- Virus gets out of control, kills everyone.
- Tom Cruise saves us all.
- Gary Busey as WTG leader
- Morgan Freeman as voice of reason (dies early)
- Kevin Hart as head of CDC (dies early)
- ScarJo as President of China
- The Rock as Tom Cruise

Steve Bannon
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