I think, it's time for me to start a daily gratitude list here. So you know, you guys can hold me accountable for taking the time to reflect on what I'm grateful for daily too (my Taurus Rising ass will be too lazy otherwise).
I'm grateful for all the beautiful people I've get to know in my life, all of you who has shown me love, support, trust, kindness, and so much more when I didn't know where to start being kind to myself.
I'm grateful to have enough money to pay for my trip.
I'm grateful that I'm protected and taken care of, physically, mentally, financially, romantically, spiritually.
I'm grateful for the connection I've got to have with Source, spirits and all beings who has given me guidance and assistance through this healing journey.
I'm grateful to be able to find a cup of good coffee with just a little effort putting in.
I'm grateful to be able to find back my old passion and joy being on a bicycle.
I'm grateful for rest.
I'm grateful for the love everyone are showing me on here and in real life. ๐Ÿ˜˜
I'm grateful to have the luxury of living (and travelling) in comfort.
I'm grateful to have the abundance to support and show love to others to do work they are passionate for.
I'm grateful to be so close to spirits and be able to ask and receive for things I need in life.
I'm grateful for the lessons
I'm grateful for the heartfelt guidance
I'm grateful for the opportunity to be here and receive abundance, abundance not just in terms of financial, but also abundance of love, joy, pleasure, and everything else we get to enjoy as a human.
Today, I'm grateful for all the bookings that came in to me, and the opportunity to connect and work with everyone, being a messenger of spirits delivering to them messages they need to hear.
I'm very grateful for the comfort of life and warm delicious food that gives me energy.
I'm so grateful for the opportunity to connect with all form of healing modalities to help myself and those connected to me to move forward in their journey, whether it is physical, mental or spiritual.
I'm so grateful to be a figure of inspiration to others, even in a small way.
I'm grateful for the mistakes I've made so I know where I need to make adjustment to better fulfill my needs, wants and my mission on Earth.
I'm grateful for the love and support and the connection I've got to make with others.
I'm grateful for the opportunities to stand
up and lead the way.
I'm so grateful to be able to access to Reiki, which healing modalities has changed my life since the day I've learnt it, even though I had no idea that time.
I'm so grateful for the blessings in my life, whichever form they come in as.
I'm so grateful to be here, enjoying life and be able to share it with everyone, being an inspiration of some sort for others to make their dreams into reality. ๐Ÿ˜˜
I'm so grateful to that my work is reaching many people and help them grow, as it helps me grow as well. Thank you!
I'm grateful for the opportunity to rest.
I'm grateful to get reassurance from spirits every step of the way.
I'm grateful that there's someone out here looking after me, even when I don't know that I needed to be looked after.
I'm grateful for endings and new beginnings.
I'm grateful to be home where my heart feels safe.
I'm grateful to have the brief moment to slack and tweet nonsense.
I'm grateful to have amazing and supportive friends.
I'm grateful to be here!

And I'm grateful for all of your love and trust and all incoming bookings!
Today, I'm grateful for rest.
That's it, that's for today and everyday! I love a restful day! ๐Ÿ˜˜
I'm grateful for the time I get to relax.
I'm grateful for my body automatically going through release and detox so it can heal.
I'm grateful for all of you who I can talk to.
I'm grateful for all new and returning clients because you guys are awesome! ๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ˜˜
Today, I'm grateful for time to rest.
I'm grateful to know and be able to connect with so many supportive, amazing friends who inspire me with your every actions!
I'm grateful to feel the love and protection from my angels, guides and the Universe itself, thank you so much! ๐Ÿฅบ
Today (and everyday)
I'm so grateful for the pure unconditional love and connection that I felt by being me, right here, right now, right where I am.
I'm so grateful for the reassurance I've felt when I need it.
I'm so grateful to be where I am, right here right now.
I'm so grateful that me by being where I am is able to help and inspire many people who are on the similar journey as I am too.
I'm so grateful to be able to access this infinite wisdom and have this team of support who will never let me down.
I'm so grateful to know that I'm protected, always, no matter where I am, how I am, as long as I am, I am protected and loved and taken care of. And that my spirits team would give it their all leaving me no room to doubt that. Thank you, for being here with me. ๐Ÿ˜˜
Today, I'm grateful to be here! And having a close connection with spirits and the divine that they can step in and assist me anytime. I am so happy and grateful that I found this light in my life again! ๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’–
I'm so grateful for the love I'm feeling from everyone.
I'm so grateful to be reminded that I'm lovable and perfect the way I am, I think both me and my inner child need that.
I'm so grateful to be recognised for my work, my passion and for being myself. ๐Ÿฅฐ๐Ÿฅฐ๐Ÿฅฐ๐Ÿฅฐ๐Ÿฅฐ
I am so grateful to feel the love coming in for me and realize the fact that I've a hand in creating this loving, supportive, amazing community circle around myself!
I'm so grateful to be able to see where I needed support and is able to support myself effortlessly.
I'm so grateful that God is responding to my every needs and wants in the MOST LOVING, SUPPORTIVE AND CERTAIN WAYS, BECAUSE THIS IS REALLY THE LOVE I HAVE BEEN LOOKING FOR ALL ALONG!
I'm so grateful to be able to connect with all of you, every single one of you!!(
I am so grateful I have the most loving, supporting family here, and grateful for the opportunity to work with you, and to grow with you all! You all are amazing, you should know it!
I'm so grateful for the opportunity to witness my own power and to be able to stand firm in it.
I'm grateful for the opportunity to experience and learn every single day, every single hour down to the minutes and seconds.
I'm grateful to be where I am. Right here, right now.
I'm grateful for the support and love I receive from everyone who's following me here. ๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ˜˜
I'm grateful for the opportunity to connect with more and more people each and everyday.
I'm grateful that I have so much support and love in my life, and these love and support I've gained simply for being me.
I'm so grateful that I still have good friends who hold space for me.
I'm so grateful that all my mundane worries are being taken care of at all time.
I'm so grateful that I'm loved and protected at all times.
I'm so grateful to be able to recognise such love and protection around me at all times.
I'm so grateful to share my knowledge with you all.
I'm so grateful to be alive here, today.
I'm so grateful that I am living my dream life, in a place that I feel home at and belong.
I'm so grateful to be so connected that I feel everything, although feeling everything is tough sometimes.
I'm so grateful for this chance to lead.
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