What is Socialism?
Where has Socialism been attempted?
What does history tell us about Socialism.
This is a thread meant to educate the Indoctrinated and I'll informed.
Those who feel the BERN🔥
Mao Zedong brought Socialism to china.
Like the green new deal Mao had the Great Leap Forward.
Resulting in between 18 and 45 million being slaughtered indiscriminately.
Much like we are now witnessing in the United States it started with Gouvernment schools. This is where young minds are led to slavery in the modern world.
What happens if Bernie makes all higher education free through the gouvernment. He controls what our children learn. If you think its compassion driving this scheme you are sadly mistaken. Its is the Socialist playbook!
Have you noticed how Socialism always has an uplifting name for its agenda.
The Green New Deal
The Great Leap Forward
They hide true intentions behind positive innuendo.
They cant exactly call it the death and famine deal.
Another infamous Socialist who the left often compare to Donald Trump is Adolf Hitler.
That is correct Hitler was a socialist.
This is one of the Democrats favorite tactics.
Remember that innuendo they use to disguise their true intentions.
The Workers Party
Sounds like it would be great for the middle class Right?
As long as you agree with genocide.
Now we call it the Holocaust and it was the result of Socialism.
I'm sure by now you're thinking Bernie is a harmless old geriatric.
He would never do anything like this.
So I simply say
Power Corrupts
Absolute power
Corrupts absolutely
This is why I started with the comparison of Bernie and Mao.
Wolf in sheeps clothing
Dont worry Socialism never killed anyone recently! https://twitter.com/Thomas1774Paine/status/1232126836458565633?s=19
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