No #CarolinaBBQ this week, because my god quals takes up a lot of time, but if you still want some quality music content, I've been listening to music basically constantly while writing, so I've got a quals album thread coming (probably) later today
Took longer than I thought to come back to this, but here it is at last. Having the right music to write to has always been an important part of my writing process, and since I'm in the middle of 4 weeks of so much writing, I am listening to a whole lot. I figured I'd share a bit
I've been keeping track mostly in the order I've been listening to them, so some mood/vibe patterns might pop up. First off:
@thelumineers "III," "Cleopatra", and"The Lumineers." ( @EvelynShh and I had tickets to see them last Monday, so this was also concert prep)
- @HFTR "The Navigator" (I can't get the title track out of my head)
- @joshritter "Sermon on the Rocks" (I wanted chill, but also kinda heavy at times, and this hits it perfect)
- @_TWDY_ "Tunnel Blanket" (sometimes you just need beautiful noise)
- @vandoliers "Forever" ( #VFFV)
- @billieeilish "When We All Fall Asleep..." (Heard her on the radio, didn't get her. Listened to the album, get it now).
- @thelilsmokies "Live at the Bluebird" (just so, so damn good)
- @PPJRecords "As We Go Wandering" (First chance to listen to the new album, as good as hoped)
- @bandBeirut "The Rip Tide" (A writing stalwart for me)
- #CSNY "Deja Vu" (I saw someone talking about "Carry On" on twitter and realized I'd never listened to a whole CSNY album, so I fixed that)
- @dixiechicks "Home" (just a great album to listen to any time)
- @brighteyesband "I'm Wide Awake, It's Morning" (I've listened to albums from every other Conor Oberst project but somehow never Bright Eyes. Fixed that...)
- @USAquarium "Things Change" (BJ Barheim is such a great songwriter)
- #Hamilton Soundtrack (but just act 1. I got bored...)
- @TheNational "I Am Easy to Find" (Where Is Her Head is straight up the best song I know right now)
- @ManchesterOrch "A Black Mile to the Surface" (Sometimes you just need a lil indie-emo in your life)
- @margotnuclear "Not Animal" (Best band to ever come out of Indy?)
- @jaredandthemill "This Story is No Longer Available" (deeply enjoyable, blistering alt-country)
- @radiohead "King of Limbs" (I don't know Radiohead super well, but I do enjoy this album when I want some chill noise)
- @boniver "Bon Iver" (Very good, very calming album for me)
- #Lawless Soundtrack (Straight up my favorite movie soundtrack)
- #HellorHighWater Soundtrack (Seriously, @nickcave and @warrenellis are so good at soundtracks)
- @ColterWall "Songs of the Plains" (Did I play this because Wall is featured on the last soundtrack? Perhaps.)
- @TpTroubadours "Diamonds & Gasoline" (an absolute modern-day country classic)
- @AustinlucasIND "Stay Reckless" (my favorite Bloomington musician, and an album with one of the biggest earworms I know)
That's all I've got from week 1. I'll update this thread as I write though
Time to add last weeks writing music to the list:
- @hudeskrate "Rock N Roll Ain't For Me" (open, emotional, and frequently hilarious album)
- @Kishi_bashi "Omoiyari" (powerful music based on a terrible time in US history)
- @imwithherband "I'm With Her" (so much talent in one band)
- @punchbrothers "Who's Feeling Young Now" (album that got me into PB, and one I love going back to)
- @mipsomusic "Dark Holler Pop" (Chapel Hill has such a great folk scene and these guys are a huge part of it)
- @QCNH "El Astronauta" (taking country rock to its weirdest places)
- @theholdsteady "Boys & Girls in America" (one of my go-to work albums in the past few years)
- @mountain_goats "In League with Dragons" (I'M GONNA BURN IT ALL DOWN TODAY, DOWN TODAY OKAY)
- @PhoxBand "Phox" (if this is the only album Phox ever releases, at least it was damn good)
- @lucydacus "Historian" (just an incredible album that happens to be good working music as well)
- @mountain_goats (again) "Tallahassee" (insert video of me screaming all of No Children here)
- @YonderMountain "Yonder Mountain String Band" (my favorite non-live Yonder album)
- @mothermother "O My Heart" (Greatest album to ever come out of Canada. Fight me on this)
- @stringdusters "Live from Covington KY" (new, very good live album from one of the best jamgrass bands)
- @frankturner "Show 2000" (one of the hottest crowds I've ever heard on a live album"
- @WeAreTheOs "Between the Two" (my favorite album from one of my favorite Dallas bands)
- #DavidBowie "Heroes" (my go-to Bowie album for working. It was very effective in getting me across the finish line this week)
I'll be back again with more next week...
Time to update for Week 3! Last week was definitely the hardest in terms of burnout/stress, so this is basically just a list of my comfort food music
- @FRabbits "Midnight Organ Fight"
-FR "Pedestrian Verse"
-FR "Winter of Mixed Drinks" (I was in quite a mood to start the week...)
- @kendricklamar "To Pimp A Butterfly" (I don't *just* listen to folk/indie/country stuff)
- @better_oblivion "Better Oblivion Community Center" (still one of last year's best musical surprises)
- @phoebe_bridgers "Stranger in the Alps" (super excited for her new album to come out)
- @julienrbaker "Sprained Ankle" (this is her better album for writing, because it's hard to write while emotionally devastated)
- #CampCope "Camp Cope" ("Lost"+"Jet Fuel..." is one of the best one-two punches on any album)
- @TheNational "High Violet" (my original sad music album)
- @emperorx "Western Teleport" (Got really into this album recently, and it seems to do well for work and stress)
- @frankturner "Be More Kind" (I mean, the title kinda says it all here)
- @xboygeniusx "boygenius" (yes, it really was a "Listen to ALL the Baker & Bridges kinda week)
- @LanghorneSlim "The Spirit Moves" (the logical followup to all my sad rock is, of course, upbeat folk)
- @theavettbros "I & Love & You" (never a bad time to bust this album out)
- @joshritter "The Beast in Its Tracks" (this album is just a musical hug for me when I need it)
- @joywave "Content" (was so happy to be in Rochester for the shows when this album got released)
- @stlucia "Matter" (dance music for the late night writing doldrums)
- @dcfc "Transatlanticism" (Without question, best Death Cab album)
- @murderbydeath "The Other Shore" (Got tickets for their next Btown show and I'm so pumped)
- @TheDecemberists "The Hazards of Love" (Chill album+amazing lyricism=great writing inspiration)
- @heymarseilles "To Travels & Trunks" (a regular in my work rotation for a decade now)
- @vampireweekend "Father of the Bride" (I continue to be EXTREMELY into this album)
- #DayOfTheDead Compilation (only like the first disc, but a bunch of Dead covers are always fun)
- @thelilsmokies "Tornillo" (great new album from these guys)
- #Whiskeytown "Strangers Almanac" (I know Ryan Adams is kinda problematic, but this album still just hits all the right spots when I need it to)
- @mountain_goats "All Hail West Texas" (What better way to skid across the finish line than with a rousing HAIL SATAN?)
Oh yeah, I forgot to finish out this thread with the stuff I listened to for my last week of quals. Now seems as good a time as any to finish filling the playlist out:
- @Old97s "Most Messed Up" (Possibly the first album release show I ever went to? It was dope.)
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