/1 @GrapheneOS is an open source privacy and security focused mobile OS. It is designed to defend from Google's intrusive privacy invasions on your phone. The point is to start de-Googling. If you're thinking about switching, here are some considerations to take into account.
2/ The operating system comes installed with Auditor, Calculator, Calendar, Camera, Clock, Contacts, Files, Gallery, Messaging, PDF Viewer, Phone, Settings and Vanadium Browser.
3/ Contacts - without a Google account, you're going to need to export (backup) your contacts and import (restore) them into your phone via a .vcf file. Alternatively, you can host it on a cloud instance (e.g. Nextcloud) and synchronise to it via @davx5app.
4/ Calendar - Similar to the above, without a Google calendar, you're going to need a cloud service to handle your calendar for you. I like using Nextcloud for this and sychronising with DAVx5.
5/ Google Play Store - you'll notice there's no Play Store on the device. The app store alternative is @fdroidorg, which you can download the apk for. Another alternative is the Aurora Store, which can be downloaded from F-Droid. APK files can also be directly installed.
6/ Google Maps and GPS - the alternative is Open Street Maps ( @osmandapp) on F-Droid. Some locations on OsmAnd+ do not have street numbers, unfortunately. On the bright side, there are plenty of options and features on this app to explore.
7/ GBoard - If you're used to Google Keyboard for swipe typing, you're going to be triggered. The only real alternative is AnySoftKeyBoard and the swipe user experience is pretty poor. It'll take time getting used to. It just isn't as snappy as what you're accustomed to.
8/ Banking apps - generally speaking, you're going to struggle with banking apps. Notifications will not appear. The software will be glitchy. The experience is going to be poor. You're better off using your desktop for daily banking, or switching over to #Bitcoin .
9/ Email - @ProtonMail has an apk available for download at http://protonapps.com . Push notifications will not work as it uses a service called 'Google Messaging Service' (GMS). Consider K-9Mail app for Gmail. I also hear good things over at @TutanotaTeam for email.
10/ Messaging - @telegram and @signalapp are the alternatives. It'll install push notifications on the top bar, which can be hidden. @KeybaseIO will work but no notifications. Keybase uses GMS. WhatsApp apk can be downloaded at http://whatsapp.com/android . Notifications are iffy.
11/ Social media - the idea is to wean yourself off, but if you're addicted to Facebook, Instagram, Twitter etc, download an app called WebApps from F-Droid. This allows you to use the platform's website to access content rather than installing the app itself.
12/ YouTube - The alternative is NewPipe. Even if you're not using GrapheneOS, do yourself a favour and get NewPipe - the way YouTube was meant to be.
13/ VPN - I use @mullvadnet. An APK can be downloaded directly from their website and used without issue.
14/ @GrapheneOS users tend to report a bit of sluggishness (not too noticeable) but a significantly better battery life. GrapheneOS only supports (ironically) Google Pixel devices.
15/ Installation instructional video can be found on @techloreistaken's YouTube channel.
16/ You can also find his review here.
16/ @GrapheneOS is in need of active developers and contributions. There are really only two options for security and privacy for your phone. Trusting Apple, or supporting the only viable FOSS project at the moment that seems to care - @GrapheneOS.
You can follow @_k3tan.
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