Mentors are a beautiful thing, always older, often ruthless, they can teach you things in a way and at a pace neither school nor self-learning can.

But here's the thing about mentors.

You don't choose them, they choose you.

If you're asking for a mentor, you don't deserve one.
"Please be my mentor!"


Instantly unworthy of being mentored.

Will not explain.
Inverse this.

An eye for brilliance, the ability to recognise what nobody else has recognised - to spot the unorthodox, the outlier, the divergent mind, and to do this when they're still insignificant and unimportant

These people are your future investments

The untapped worthy
When they're a nobody with a potential to be somebody that neither the world, nor perhaps they themselves realise can be a somebody - you have undue influence over them. Your support and investment, no matter how humble, means the world to them.
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