Pro russiagater and US-led regime change fan says Washington to unveil a new strategy in Latin America. It includes 'change' (aka US-led regime change) in #Cuba, #Venezuela. Why Venezuela? US lives are lost daily because the 'Venezuelan regime'.
You're just outraged your coup, miserably failed despite over a year of threats, even longer sanctions and an attempt of a blockade.
USA once again to step us its economic war on #Venezuela trying to starve the economy of the whole country and, therefore, starve its people into surrender.
Guaidó wants to take control of the security forces. No kidding. He's already tried that, remember when he summoned them to that bridge and nobody showed up? As always, he can only take over something if USA hands it to him.
The company you keep. Guaidó's man in USA meeting Spanish far-right leader. A match made in fascist heaven.
The Venezuelan opposition ♥ Spanish fascists.
Esto tiene tanta credibilidad como cuando dice que es presidente de #Venezuela
About PDVSA, it's history and the current US blockade.
US lackey number 1 goes to the boss to ask for even tougher sanctions against #Venezuela.
The goal is the same -toppling the Venezuelan government- but the excuse depends on the audience. Hezbollah this time, which to this audience is like saying Iran. Opportunist liar will be an opportunist liar.
Lula criticized European countries for recognizing fraud Guaidó. It was about time he openly came out against the US-led coup (he has been very critical of Maduro in the past)
Of course, Western journos horrified someone doesn't like their man Guaidó.
Bolsonaro met Trump to talk (what else) #Venezuela.
Self-proclaimed making another push for something. Gotta justify to the bosses he's doing something worthy of the salary they pay.
Rival marches today in Caracas. Nothing anywhere close to the huge march Guaidó and his employers were hoping for.
Predictable considering even part of the opposition is willing to accept he's a joke and it's better to prepare for the parliamentary election.
#Venezuela: Guaidó's march failed yesterday, so he's going to try again tomorrow.
How soon until usual suspects cry 'authoritarian dictatorship' even if other countries have banned public gatherings too?
Not Guaidó, of course. He's going to use this opportunity to claim he's a responsible citizen and call off his 'massive' (yeah, right) marches. At least he'll stop embarrassing himself with failed demonstrations.
Told you.
Self-proclaimed non-president clown still pretending he is someone. He presented his 'plan': his 'ambassadors' are supposed to do something (they can't, they're not ambassadors) and USAID. Spanish media amazingly still takes him seriously.
Economic war and propagandistic nonsense: the Venezuelan gov was at the negotiating table with the opposition. There was an agreement and the oppo got up and left to follow, in US orders, the (failed) coup path.
If he can't have his usual failed demonstrations, he needs to pretend he's doing something. Here's another fake commission
The US department of foreign coups never stops working.
Twitter doing State Department 's bidding again.
Last night, #Venezuela asked the IMF for a lian to cope with coronavirus crisis.
It didn't take long for the IMF to say no. "Unfortunately, the IMF is in no position to accept".
Why? The IMF doesn't know who the president of #Venezuela is: the elected president who is ruling the country or the clown who can't even organize a protest.
In other words, the IMF won't loan #Venezuela money because of the US-led coup and the US sanctions. One again, sanctions are war. Sanctions kill, as the country imposing them expects.
"International recognition", of course, means US recognition.
Reminder that USA is trying to starve the Venezuelan economy -and therefore Venezuelans themselves- in order to advance their miserably failed coup. Using a pandemic for it is shit, but it's the shit everyone should be expecting from the genocidal empire.
Maduro denounces that USA is trying to block labs from selling #Venezuela medicine and other resources. Reminder that USA is trying to completely blockade the country so they can't buy/sell anything.
Meanwhile, State Department employee keeps up with his empty talk, pretending he's doing something when he's just sitting at home hoping his bosses will sabotage the country's economy and hand him power.
Actual measures from the real government, not the charlatan whose only job is spamming PR.
The Venezuelan government (very politely) asked USA to allow a Venezuelan plane to pick up Venezuelans wishing home.
So far, over 500 people have signed up. Waiting for USA's permission (or refusal).
Dude who claimed the Venezuelan government was using chemical weapons against protesters says US sanctions trying to starve #Venezuela (and therefore its people) are the right thing to do. Ok.
#Venezuela denounced USA so far refuses to allow a plane to take home Venezuelans wishing to return home.
"Cruel reminder" that the man The Economist wants as Venezuelan president was voted by no Venezuelan. But again, 60 foreign leaders are more important than the millions of Venezuelans who voted for Maduro in the last election.
As the government tries to get things done, Guaidó keeps making empty promises he has no way of keeping. He's willing to do anything, he says. All PR, all day, every day.
Meanwhile, USA refuses to allow the plane trying to pick up Venezuelans wishing to return home (as expected).
Sanctions are sacred for USA. That's why this is not going to cut it either. #Russia, #China and a long list of sanctioned countries wrote a letter to the UN SG to politely ask USA to remove illegal sanctions, at least to fight covid.
USA doing what USA does. Bush had the 'axis of evil' phrase to smear and threaten countries he didn't like it governments he wanted to tipple. Trump has his own style, but he's doing the same to #Venezuela.
And to those who went 'but Maduro' when the US-led coup was ongoing (and then did the 'yeah, bit Evo' routine later), shame on you. You're with Trump. And Bolton. And Abrams. Meanwhile, #Venezuela resists.
USA put a bounty on Maduro and Diosdado's heads. So very XIX century of them.

To all those who laughed and said Maduro was paranoid when he said USA was trying to get him murdered, now what?
About drugs and #Venezuela. And USA's favorite puppy #Colombia.
Shameless golpista and State Department employee once again asks the army to carry out a military coup. Guaidó looking for his Pinochet. On Pompeo's behalf, of course.
Guaidó and Co under investigation for coup plotting. It's about time, he's been trying for over a year.
Chinese doctors to arrive in #Venezuela to help fight coronavirus.
A psychopath's guide to geopolitics, #Venezuela edition.
'Our common interests' in #Venezuela: starving the country and installing our puppet Guaidó.
Known golpista to testify against Maduro. You really can't make this up.
About the known golpista (he has said it openly himself) now turned star witness for USA's show.
#China to send more medical supplies to #Venezuela and is willing to send a medical team if needed.
Meanwhile, clown golpista is trying to use coronavirus for another coup attempt.
Proclaiming himself failed; military coup failed; sanctions and threats failed... Now comes 'national emergency government' coup attempt.
State Department employee wants to include all political sensibilities (lol) but, of course, not Maduro. Because this is a coup.
Like a good State Department employee, he uses Pompeo's 'arguments': Maduro is not internationally recognized (more countries recognize the government than Guaidó, not to mention the Venezuelan people) and drugs.
It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see what the drug circus is all about: a renewed attempt at a year-long failed coup to install their (incompetent) puppet.
USA's favorite ass kisser agrees further embarrassing himself parroting whatever its master says.
As the US role gets more and more disgraceful, so does the US media. Foreign Affairs reporting on #Venezuela has nothing to do with reporting and everything to do with pushing US foreign policy.
About reporting on #Venezuela (and US sanctions)
About USA's new star witness against Maduro: Colombian media reports golpista Clíver Alcalá (he recorded himself talking about a coup last week) was planning to assassinate Diosdado Cabello to destabilize 'the regime'. That's the kind of people USA likes.
Chinese medical supplies for #Venezuela
Trump insists on a 'democratic transition' from an elected government USA hates to an unelected one USA installs.
Twitter and the State Department sound like they're one and the same.
After Trump tried to convince Putin about his failed coup, USA comes up with it's latest 'voluntarily surrender to my coup, we'll take over the country and eventually lift sanctions' plan.

Unsurprisingly, the loyal media treats it as a 'transition plan'
The plan, as always, is a 'transition' from an elected government USA hates to an unelected one USA controls. In this case, a 4 people chosen by the National Assembly who'd choose a president.
No Maduro, of course (and no chavista reps, as the NA is US-backed opposition-controlled). To counter that: no Guaidó either. The clown has shown he has no support, this would be USA getting rid of a liability. This plan is a fucking joke.
The icing on the cake: illegal sanctions (economic warfare with which they're trying to starve the Venezuelan economy and therefore its people) would be lifted once all its opponents leave USA to loot #Venezuela economy like it's 1990 all over again
He proclaimed himself president of the country, has repeatedly called for a coup (civil and military) and has conspired with USA to carry it out. I'd say he's a proud golpista (and puppet of the State Department)
The country leading a (failed) coup for over a year thinks they get to name who should rule #Venezuela and the media is willing to sell their new coup plan as normal. Amazing.
Using sanctions as blackmail, of course. No small detail.
My thoughts exactly: blackmail. Pure and simple.
State Department employee kissing State Department's ass. They've thrown your no-longer-useful-ass under the bus, dude.
'Equitable and democratic transition' (from an elected government to an unelected one): the government surrenders unconditionally and voluntarily; so does the clown who pretends to be president but isn't. Sounds legit.
Hace suya la propuesta de sus jefes. Como no podía ser de otra manera.
Peace and democracy. Brought to you by a known backer of *death squads* in Latin America in the 80's.
USA proud to be using genocidal sanctions as blackmail.
There is no better word to describe this than junta, considering who came up with the plan.
Loyal puppets voicing support for the master.
Payaso haciendo payasadas.
First, you come up with made-up charges, then you come up with bullshit operations using those made-up charges. The predictable empire.
Puppet endorses his employer's plans. Always. No matter what.
#Russia accuses USA of using covd as a pretext for a coup in #Venezuela, which is exactly what is happening (after all other previous coio attempts have failed)
About USA's plans, which clearly look like a blockade of #Venezuela.
The guy trying to use a pandemic to advance his failed coup claims the government is using the pandemic. Unlike Guaidó, who seems to be hoping things get worse to have a chance, the government is trying to deal with the pandemic.
Lima cartel approved the US 'transition' plan, obviously. Reuters sells the blackmail into surrendering to the US coup plan as a beautifully democratic and peace-loving power-sharing plan.
"Washington no ofrece ayuda sanitaria, ni insumos, ni médicos… sólo aprovecharse de la situación para ampliar su poderío militar"
He fled house arrest to lead a coup (yes, the one at the bridge that left Guaidó looking like an idiot), has been hiding in the Spanish embassy for a year and is defending USA's use of covid as an excuse for a coup. And yet he claims Maduro is using covid.
Guaidó's plan:

-Create a commission.
-Be on the news because he created a commission.
-That's it since he has no power to have those commissions do anything.
-Create a new commission.
The guy who took in Leopoldo in the Spanish embassy (Borrell was foreign minister at the time) likes USA's plan to install a US-backed government. Shocker.
The 'democratic' transition from an elected but US-hated 'illegal dictatorship' to an unelected but US-backed 'legitimate government'
USA under the impression they get to give every country in the world orders on what to do. That's just the colonies (Spain, for example).
Speaking of USA, a couple of weeks ago, #Venezuela asked for permission to land a flight to take home Venezuelans.
USA responded in their usual bully manners.
133 Venezuelans stuck in USA returned home. The flight couldn't land in USA, so it went to Toluca, #Mexico.
'USA warns Maduro that if he doesn't accept "transition", it will happen anyway and it will be more dangerous'. In other words, USA threatens #Venezuela to surrender unilaterally or else (more coup, or worse). World police gets to decide who rules where.
Tony Blair es tan líder combatiendo dictaduras como Guaidó presidente de #Venezuela.
Quico Toro quicotoreando. Usual suspects willing to use anything to advance their beloved US coup in #Venezuela.
Sickening how easy it is to normalize imperialism. Who the fuck is USA to tell other countries who should rule when and to veto or not veto who should run in their elections?
Oh, yes. Russia -whose role in #Venezuela is minimal- should follow USA's coup plan. The Washington Post, democracy dies in darkness. In Venezuela's case, in a US coup they keep supporting.
#Venezuela fighting in several fronts: the US blockade, low oil prices, pandemic.
Cuban doctors in #Venezuela
It takes a special kind of crap to hope your people die (or make up they do) so you can use them politically to advance your miserably failed coup. I wouldn't expect any less from a State Department employee.
While fake self-proclaimed promises phantom money from the bosses...
The actual government is getting things done.
Meanwhile, the US-based opposition asking for a military coup. Again, and again, and again. This one has quite a Twitter bio.
El Washington Post debe dejar de inventar tonterías para hacer propaganda barata.
'Broken', what a nice way to say US sanctions are trying to break it.
#Venezuela intervening companies using the latest crisis to raise prices and profit.
Guaidó playing diplomat. Actually, just taking to his employer.
It's been a year since Leopoldo fled house arrest to join Guaidó in that bridge in what they hoped would be a military coup.
It didn't work out so well.
This individual is still celebrating that pathetic little coup attempt.
Venezuelans in #Colombia trying to get home harassed by Colombian police.
Here's AP selling what reads like a spy action film. In reality, it was just a bunch of mercenaries with a non-operation (calling it a 'suicide mission' to make it sound more respectable?) and zero support in the country.
Mike Pompeo (o quien le sustituya en algún momento, con Trump nadie tiene el curro garantizado) dentro de un mes, dos, seis, etc.: "Maduro tiene los días contados"
When you need to deflect attention, #Venezuela.
Mercenaries playing war.
This thing that happened today is quite similar to the action spy story AP sold us a couple of days ago.
Spanish pro-opposition propaganda be like: nothing happened, our guys didn't do anything, it was Maduro.
Pro-opposition journalist:
Mercs playing Rambo. Whatever it was meant to be, it was a botched operation. Quite sloppy.
Leading merc of the botched operation.
The guy is openly threatening journalists too. Just for fun.
More arrests related to that merc adventure in #Venezuela.
Some of them are US citizens.
Looks like Guaidó didn't get the orders from the body spelled out on this one and is flip-flopping like an idiot.
Realistic and timely solutions and apparently laughably bad Rambo wanabee ops too.
The Rambo wannabees.
Soldiers of unfortune
Looks like a few more Rambos are still out there, waiting to be captured. A 60 men Bahía Cochinos, hardly a Bahía Cochinillos. Whatever it is they were doing.
This is going to make Guaidó and Leopoldo's pathetic little bridge coup look like a brilliant operation.
Meanwhile lord self-proclaimed has been MIA for over a day. Waiting for the bosses to get him the script to read? Meanwhile, it's all made up by the government. Why not. It's not like the leader is in over US paper bragging of the op...
Obviously, Trump won't claim this operation, which makes Bahía Cochinos seem brilliant in comparison. Also, USA has externalized coup plotting.
The true victim here: US attempt to topple an elected government they hate and install an unelected puppet government.
First, it was a false flag; then they demanded human rights for the revolutionaries and now they're back to false flag. The Venezuelan opposition doesn't even try to make sense.
A little twist on Guaidó's version of the story: the government knew it was coming and let it happen. Ok, what we're they supposed to do, invade Florida with a preemptive strike?
Shameless self-proclaimed. He now claims Rambo in Florida admits links to the government. What he's been telling the media is that he was hired by the opposition.
It has nothing to do with the $15 million bounty the US government put in Maduro's head either. It's not like US policy in #Venezuela it's to see Maduro dead, right?
*US mercenaries openly carrying out an operation to go after the elected leader of a foreign country (which USA is trying to get killed).
Different like that 'humanitarian aid' stunt that turned out to be (surprise!) a fiasco?
*If* the authorities of the country those idiotic mercenaries entered, illegally, armed, with a firm purpose of going after the president decides to hold them. I know he's used to Guaidó, but really, how stupid does Pompeo think Venezuelans are?
When not even pro-coup Washington Post buys Guaidó's 'I have did not signed a contract with that mercenary company' story
"The law enforcement official said Goudreau’s possible involvement in weapons smuggling stems from the March 23 seizure by police in #Colombia of a stockpile of weapons being transported in a truck" (the Clíver Alcalá affair)
They entered #Venezuela illegally, armed to go after the president (the $15 million bounty might have something to do with it). What's a better description: spring-breaker, dominguero, freedom fighter?
Guaidó has been very quiet these last couple of days. This might have something to do with it. His advisers are willing to go on CNN to contradict him when he said the opposition had nothing to do with Rambo-wannabee Goudreau.
They changed their minds. Of course. And not because hiring mercenaries to kill a head of state is wrong, just because they realize he wasn't going to deliver. The Democratic Venezuelan Opposition (and the media that defends them)
And in the middle of this mess, Trump wants a US ambassador in #Venezuela (US diplomats got expelled after they recognized self-proclaimed coup leader as president of the country). We know what a US embassy in Caracas means.
The chosen man: head of the office of Venezuelan affairs in #Colombia (aka the office of US intervention in #Venezuela)
The paperwork related to the mercenary operation. Lots of specifics about goals, weapons to be used, etc.
These people are a fucking joke. Hezbollah. Why not.
Guaidó's signature is not in the contract but he appears as commander in chief of the fake army. Also, the 'chief strategist' is the guy who appeared on CNN contradicting Guaidó's version that they had nothing to do with anything.
A diverse and inclusive mercenary force.
You should tell lord self-proclaimed, he keeps saying Maduro made it all up.
¿Quién hace eso? Otro mercenario.
This teletubbie stunt is far creepier than the low cost mercenaries.
No, you're not going to oust him, but you can kill him. Which is exactly the point of the $15 million bounty.

Because, let's remember, that a US-organized coup couldn't oust the government either.
I'm not sure if we needed to know those wannabee Rambitos puked the whole way there, but here we are.
This painfully long and not particularly well-written story to justify the saintly opposition was desperate and had to find other ways to oust the government is great. They call the pathetic bridge coup a "carefully built plot". lol.
I'm not kidding about the terrible Spanish. This wants to say they were aware, but it actually means they were conscious. As in not unconscious. The difference between ser and estar is quite basic. Being unconscious, though, would explain why this operation was so laughable.
It would've been much more competent. Like last year's coup. Or the 'humanitarian aid' stunt fiasco.
I keep thinking that this thing was so pathetic it must be an inside job, someone in the opposition trying to make him look so bad they can finally throw him under the bus. Even the most loyal media is willing to get rid of him.
Y Estados Unidos es a #Venezuela lo que Estados Unidos fue a #Nicaragua.
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