I'm bored, and should go to sleep.

But instead I decided that this is the perfect moment to finally start Shadow bringers.

And since I know that most of my FFXIV friends really wanted me to finally get to that point, I'll probably just do a thread with my thoughts while playing
Got Dark Knight at 70, and that uneccessary glamour you get at the end of Stormblood and I'm ready to go!
Ok, no, I want to see my face. But now it's ready to go!
Oh right, obvious Shadow Bringer spoilers in this thread for thoose who have not played it.
I still would like to know if there is any reason why just like, some scions had their souls sucked into another reality while others were just ignored?
Like, even if we leave all of the """minor""" ones like Arenvald, Hoary Boulder, Riol, that really are just there to make it clear that we are indeed an influential organisation and not just like 8 people. That still leaves Krile, Tataru, Lyse and F'lhammin.
Huh, new quest accepted noise.
I always forget that this changes with each expansion, despite beeing surprised about it every time.
I don't know if this is the first time I hear Biggs talk, or if I just can't remember the last time he did, but I do not recognize this voice at all
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