People have short term memory. Some people think Hillary was the worst candidate ever. And only she could have lost to trump.

But it costs us elections.

The fact is Jill Stein did.
Trump lost the popular vote by about 3 million votes. But won the electoral college 306 to 232.

Because US Government 101: A Presidential candidate needs 270 votes to win presidency, NOT a majority of the voting population.
3 key states decided the election

1. Wisconsin = 10 Electoral College Votes (ECV)

2. Michigan = 16 ECV

3. Pennsylvania = 20 ECV

Grand total In these key states? 46 ECV
Again, trump won 306 to 232 so if we subtract 46 from 306 we get 260. Below the threshold needed for victory.
Which brings us back back to Jill Stein. The 3rd party candidate cost Liberals these three key states.

If each Stein voter supported Clinton instead we’d have had the election shake out like this:

D= 1,413,608
R= 1,405,284
Differential = +9324 Dems.
D= 2,320,302
R= 2,279,543
Differential = +40759 Dems.
D= 2,976,382
R= 2,970,733
Differential = +5649 Dems.
We’d be talking about God knows what, but it wouldn’t be about children in cages, SCOTUS, the rule of law, Muslim bans, or cry baby tweets
Because Clinton would have won the electoral college 278 to 260!

For 2020 Vote Blue! No matter who! 💙
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