Raise Your Vibration Thread:

How do you raise your vibration?

Is it through eating healthy?

exercising more?

burning more sage?

meditating more?
The truth is, our thoughts determine our frequency.

Our thought mechanism is the mechanism that allows us to choose our frequency.
Whatever thought you think you download the frequency of.


Its not about how nice you are or how much salad you eat. your vibration is determined by the thoughts you think on a daily basis.
Thoughts are simply frequencies interpreted by the brain.

When you complain about your boss, you are activating a low vibrationally frequency.

When you are appreciating your friends, you are activating a high vibrationally frequency.
LOA and thoughts

Forget about manifestations for a second. Think about the LOA like gravity but for thoughts.

When you think a thought for a few seconds, it activates the LOA. That means that more thoughts like it starts flowing to you.
So if you are thinking about your boss in a negative way, after a few seconds, you start to receive more negative thoughts about your boss, and they get more and more negative.
The same is true for positive thoughts. IF you focus on positive thoughts for a few seconds, you start to receive more and more positive.
So once you understand the LOA you can raise your vibration one thought at a time.

Start by thinking a few simple positive thoughts and let the LOA bring you more positive thoughts
example of a thought rampage:

I love that the universe is supporting me
I love that I trust the universe
I love my relationship with the universe
I love that I am a divine being in a physical plane
I love this divine life
i love the divine challenges
I love the divine journey
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