Hypnosis is amazing but I'd like to take a minute to talk about Suggestibility on it's own.
Because we don't know everything about how the brain works, being in hyper-suggestible states can be very interesting. Some people are very naturally suggestible even without hypnosis and I happen to be one of them.
In suggestible states one isn't only susceptible to other peoples suggestions, you can also be susceptible to your environment and things in the background can subliminally influence you even without you specifically focusing on them.
In addition to this, in a hyper-suggestible state one can also be suggestible to their own thoughts. This can be very dangerous because one negative or anxious thought can instantly turn into powerful belief and strongly influence you, which can affect future actions.
This is why suggestibility pairs so well with hypnosis, because if you're deeply hypnotized your thoughts can naturally drift away and you're no longer suggestible to your own thoughts, your mind can focus on being suggestible to what other people ask you to do instead.
The brain can become hyper-suggestible on it's own due to the importance of a specific moment in time, and you can also enter hyper-suggestible states by chemically altering the brain with psychedelic drugs like LSD. There are ways to become more suggestible without hypnosis.
Even though LSD and psychedelics can affect suggestibility in a very strong way I don't recommend them because they also tend to heavily speed up your thoughts and in turn make you potentially suggestible to thousands of thoughts just from one trip, including negative ones.
In the right context, hyper-suggestibility is an amazing feeling because it frees you from the burden of anxiously choosing your own actions. It can put you completely in the moment and make you feel like each moment is just effortlessly flowing into the next one.
This is why so many people like me are into hypnosis, because a lot of peoples minds can normally get so caught up in the anxiety of our decisions and we get tired of our brains constantly forcing us out of feeling the present moment. Hyper-suggestibility puts you in the present.
Everyone seems to be after "flow states" and the truth is that entering a true flow state heavily relies on being very open and suggestible. For some people being open and suggestible can be scary and it's more comfortable to be closed off and lost in work or overanalysis.
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