LRT and the 'men can't recognized emotional intimacy' thing...
Trend in children's media: girl's shows tend to focus on groups of equal, female friends. Whereas shows for boys tend to have one main boy hero, surrounded by male supporting characters on differing social footing
Also, a girl's show is likely to emphasize the friendship angle, whereas the boy's show will probably lean into how the guys are 'a team'
(there's an interesting reversal when it comes to adult oriented media; wherein female characters are usually isolated and absent a social circle, while their male counterparts have important bonds with other men their own age - but are these bonds emotionally intimate?)
We end up in the weird situation where boy's shows are full of boy characters interacting, working together, and problem solving - but only in some cases *being friends*. And interactions with female friends are usually tinged with a potential romantic future
To clarify, I feel like this is a double headed beast: men aren't really taught to value non-romantic bonds with women, or to form emotionally intimate bonds with their male peers. Male-oriented social behavior is understood & celebrated, but it is not emotionally instructive
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