Thought you'd never ask
A thread..
"Why Koalas suck"
-stupid, primitive creatures, that shouldn't have made it so far, because the suck at being animals.
they are the glitch in natural selection.
- they have the smallest brain to body ratio in any mammal..
-their brains are smooth.
A brain is folded to increase the surface area for neurons.
-If you pluck leaves from a branch, laid on a surface, the koala wouldn't recognise it as food.
They're too thick to adapt their feeding behaviour to cope with change.
In a room full of food, they could starve to death..
Thats not an animal that's winning in life 😂😂
-eucalyptus leaves, their food.. Has no nutritious value whatsoever, they can't afford the extra energy to think, and probably why they spend 80% of their life sleeping.
Its harsh to digest, it needs days to be fermented in koala's stomach, plant clearly doesn't want to be eaten
Thats why they have the largest intestine to body ratio, spend all their energy digesting this stupid plant..
-Which, btw the baby Koalas can't digest, so they eat partially digested leaves.. 💩💩
-they full of Chlamydia.
*even tho they have a mating season, Male Koalas tend to not care if the female is ovulating or not, and they physically force them for mating.
Koalas suck at being an animal.
Mammoth, Sabertooth, White Rhinoceros are extinct, but Koalas aren't?!
-Have you heard how Koalas sound?
Do yourself a favor, and don't look it up.
I really needed to get that outta my system 😂
If you feel hate in this thread, my bad.. its towards Koalas, I got over-carried a bit.
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