Now that I have more Zoes on twitter , I can tell y’all why im a vegetarian 😭
SOOOO I was 12 years old and I spent the summer in Haiti as always. I was playing In the back of my father’s house in Croix Des Bouquets. They had a farm , and I found the cutest little chicken. I put a shoe lace around its foot and named him Pierre.
Come to find out he was actually a girl (A hen). But I left her name as Pierre LOL. I played with Pierre every day and fed her mayi 🥺 and became attached to my pet
One day my aunt took Pierre to the back . THIS BITCH BEHEADED MY PET CHICKEN RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME . And y’all know what happens when you cut a chicken’s head off right ? The rest of the body keeps running around untill it falls over. I WAS TERRIFIED
So now Pierre is dead & im balling my eyes out . Then my aunt had the AUDACITY to help me pluck the feathers off of my dead pet & help her clean him 😡
Long story shortened- Pierre was accompanied by some diri blan ak sos pwa & sos vyann .
She then made me eat it .... dat bitch was good tho not gonna lie
But yeah I’ll eat a tiny piece of vyann like once every few months (which took me years to do) but mind y’all business Bc I’m still a vegetarian. RIP PIERRE 🐔🍗
I should’ve told my chicken story to the moun blan Bc you know they would’ve made a few calls & gave me a new chicken and a scholarship
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