Today I learned one of my favorite pony artists in the fandom @hattpone is a virulent racist. He has some enlightening views about back people he shares in a Discord server he moderates.

This includes referring to black people as "monkeys" and of course, n*gger. 700 times.
The server is called the Kool Kids Klub. Bonus points for correctly guessing what the acronym KKK is a play on.
This isn't the only server he spreads his """"edgy"""" """"jokes""" around in. Yoditax's art server, The Unicorn Cove, has the same super fun posting pattern in it.
Of course, @hattpone doesn't really try to hide his racism. He cloaks it in "jokes" but its all there on his twitter, clear as day.
Earlier today I had a conversation with him about the racist connotations of that Applejack slavery picture. He of course posted it in his server while he lied to my face.
I then talked to @BronyStruggle about posting the screencaps, since posting caps of bronies doing dumb crap is ostensibly what the account is about. They instead told Hatt about it.

If you were wondering why they don't touch certain subjects, its because they agree with them.
Along with a few other artists, @hattpone is part of a group that feels like the My Little Pony is a safe space for all kinds of bigotry. As long as they cloak it in memes, or keep it subtle, nobody will confront them on it.

And they use ponies to do it.
There's plenty more where that came from. If you're as tired of stuff like this as I am, then please retweet this thread out. Don't be afraid to speak up on bigotry just because its an artist with a high follower count.

If you don't speak out, nothing changes.
An addendum to the thread: @BronyStruggle has three mods, one of whom leaked the DM to Hatt. I've talked with the other mods and they're dealing with it. Don't send any hate their way.

But if you need someone you can trust to talk with or share caps, my DMs are open.
In addition, @Yoditax's art server the Unicorn Cove is not affiliated with Hatt in any meaningful way, was only used to showcase that claims of his bigotry only existing on his private discord are false. Don't harass them over this.
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