THREAD: How to Respond to Bloomberg Texts

I see folks posting texts they get from Bloomberg staff where they immediately tell them Bloomberg sucks. Don't do this. It's bad strategy. Here's why...
Campaigns rely on voter identification. Identifying supporters is valuable, but identifying people who are definitely NOT supporters is also valuable. You eliminate them from the list. You don't waste any more time on them. And we want Bloomberg's campaign to waste time.
So Option #1 is simply don't respond to the texts. Delete them.
Option #2 is to bait them into believing you're uncommitted and might possibly vote for Bloomberg.
You can pretend to be a low information voter. Answer with: "Bloomberg? I don't know that much about him. Wasn't he mayor of New York?"
Then ask questions. For example: "Wasn't there some controversy about Bloomberg targeting black teenagers for harassment by the police?"
Keep asking questions: "So I googled Bloomberg and there's this website saying he has more sexual harassment allegations against him than Donald Trump? Is that true? Won't that be a problem?"
A side effect of asking a lot of these questions is that you stand a good chance of demoralizing the Bloomberg staffer who may already be ashamed of debasing themselves by accepting a job with the campaign.
Always end the conversation saying that you think Bloomberg might be a good choice, but that you're not sure. Never let them know who you really support. This is a data mining operation. Sabotage it wherever possible.
Also, they are likely to say hilarious things when responding to your supposedly earnest questions, which you can then post for likes, retweets, and personal gratification.
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