Q is an educational psyop

To slowly wake up those asleep

Q started with those already awake ]us[

Q uses us to spread the word

Q>Anons>WQKE>Social Media>In Person Interaction


Ground work is being laid for prosecution, but people must be ready, prepared
The vastness of what will be exposed requires preparation.

Trump and team prepare the Swamp to be drained by removing and installing required personnel Judges, DOJ, FBI etc

Q prepares us to prepare the population. The population must be mentally ready to avoid civil unrest/war
Initially only 20% was going to be public, 80% hidden because many couldn't handle the entirety of the truth & to avoid World War

Then came this drop:
Next Week - BIGGER.
We LISTENED [20/80 />/ 40/60].

To publicly expose 40%
Much prep needed.
Talk to people about Q, not just on Social Media but in real life.

BUT, don't push it hard, and alienate. Subtle is best.

"Hey, I saw/read something interesting the other day, you might be interested" then drop a link to your favorite Q resource, send them a link.
A week later ask them what they thought, they may not have checked it out.
Make them become another researcher.
Another technique.
Buy a couple of copies of @prayingmedic book "Calm before the Storm"


After you read it, give it to a friend, loan it out, donate it to the library...
You get the idea?
Another technique.

Wear a Q shirt.
It will prompt questions. Again dont push, make them intrigued.
"If you really want to learn about Q don't use Google."
"Here try this" give a link to your favorite Q resource.

I usually use @prayingmedic but use whoever you like.
If you run into someone who has a negative view of Q because of MSM conspiracy narrative try this:
"If Q is a fake conspiracy why hasn't a reporter just cleared it up?
It would be easy, all they would have to do is ask the President"
"Did you know Q has been wondering since June 28th 2018 why nobody has asked the President about him. Look here it is": show them the drop(s)
We are waiting for a reporter to ask the ultimate question.
What are they waiting for?
They can end this at any time simply by asking POTUS, right?
We may have to ‘force’ this one.
@threadreaderapp unroll please
You can follow @Alignyourcar.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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