The One (1) Thing Beyond Facebook Ads That’s Going To Make/Break Your Business

All of us work our asses off for a profitable day -- every day.

We try out the newest, sleekest advertising strategies, learn new ways to better optimize our FB Ads campaigns, and rack our brains for unique angles to test.

A lot of people running eCommerce businesses just focus on Facebook Ads.

They think it’s the be-all and end-all for their business.

But It’s not.
Want to know one of the biggest factors that affects your conversions?

It’s your site.

Here’s why:

Most eCommerce businesses have a simple funnel.

Ad > Landing/Product page > Add to Cart > Initiate Checkout > Payment Info > Purchase
After your audience clicks on your ads, the next thing they’ll see until they purchase is your website.

And what carries the biggest weight is your landing page.

This is what influences their decision to continue going down your funnel... or completely dropping off from it.
Most beginners believe that it’s their ads’ fault that people aren’t converting… but that is a common misconception. Truth is...

Changing your lander has a bigger impact on your conversion rate than by simply tweaking your ad.
Just because a top of funnel (TOF) metric increased by X% doesn't mean your middle/bottom funnel metric will increase by X% as well.

It may not even increase at all.

This is no joke.
If you have an offer that converts, and your landing page can make your prospecting customers move to the next page, then all you have to worry about is:

1. Creating better ads and;
2. Creating a better experience for your customers so they won’t have anything holding them back from buying your product (reducing friction).

It doesn’t matter if you have really good ads running.

If your landing page is shit, you’ll lose money faster than you make it.
If your audience is NOT converting as well as you hoped they would down the funnel, then you need to improve your site, not your ads.

To accomplish this, the first thing you need to learn to do is to identify your metrics and your goals...
...then understand what your Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are.

This will help you create a more quantifiable form of testing.

Only then can you analyze your conversion rates properly.


“What you can't measure, you can't improve.”
Once your tests are over, it’s time to do another data analysis.

> What happened to the test?
> What did/didn't do well?
> Why did/didn't it do well?

With both the qualitative and quantitative data that you currently have, justify that.
And then whatever results you get, adjust your landing page accordingly.

Rinse and repeat.

In A Nutshell...

Facebook Ads aren’t everything - and they shouldn’t be - if you want scalability and longevity for your business.
If you’re able to:

> Optimize your site,
> Give your audience a good pre-purchase and post-purchase experience, and;
> Make sure they won’t have any other choice but to buy from you (because of your solid backend system)...
Then you know you’re ready to scale through Facebook Ads.

And of course, if you need any help with your Facebook ads, just let me know. I’m taking on 1 more client this month.

My DM is open. 👀
You can follow @immarkwilliam.
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