seungseok number neighbor au

⤷ boredom has caused many a blunder, and following trends has caused even more; but dealing with the aftermath doesn’t seem half bad when you’ve got an audience to witness your woes — no matter how unwilling they might be.
⤑ this is a prequel to my yohangyul wrong number au, and while you don’t have to read that to understand this story in full, you can still access it below if you’d like to read it. please note that the events in this story take place a full year before the yohangyul au.
⤑ quotes, likes, and retweets are appreciated, but please don’t reply.
⤑ time is an illusion and so are the timestamps.
⤑ comments are very much appreciated, so feel free to send me feedback through tweets or cc.
⤑ you can check out the rest of my social media aus here :
⤑ and my ao3 fics here :
➳ twitter profiles feat. seungyoun and his partner in crime.
➳ twitter profiles feat. wooseok and satan’s offspring.
➳ hangyul is busy.
➳ hangyul is aiming to impress.
➳ seungyoun rubs salt in the wound.
➳ seungyoun is well-versed in bribery.
➳ yuvin has blackmail material.
➳ seungyoun’s just asking a question.
➳ hangyul explains...
➳ ...and explains some more.
➳ junho’s taking the blame.
➳ seungyoun is a weeb.
➳ wooseok receives a message.
➳ yohan asks for tea.
➳ wooseok has no clue.
➳ seungwoo wants a refund.
➳ seungyoun’s ridiculous.
➳ hangyul’s just as bad.
➳ wooseok’s close to blocking.
➳ seungyoun relays the explanation.
➳ yohan’s getting ignored.
➳ seungyoun supplies an alias.
➳ seungyoun creates laws.
➳ wooseok’s eating his heart for dinner.
➳ yohan’s been calling out to him.
➳ seungwoo thinks it’s a miracle.
➳ the three of them are in sync.
➳ wooseok is cruel.
➳ yuvin gives his two cents.
➳ hangyul checks in.
➳ seungyoun won’t let him live it down.
this update contains snippets of conversations from different days. given the nature of the plot, i might have to resort to this method of storytelling every now and then. different topics occur on different days, but feel free to ask for clarification if there’s any confusion.
➳ seungyoun’s on a mission.
➳ wooseok wants to keep acting like a tsun.
➳ seungyoun doesn’t use his brain.
➳ they agree to disagree.
➳ seungyoun’s cooking.
➳ wooseok’s almost done.
➳ yuvin didn’t ask.
➳ seungwoo lands a hit.
➳ wooseok didn’t get anything.
➳ seungyoun might have been spotted.
➳ hangyul thinks it’s funny.
➳ seungyoun wonders why they’re friends.
➳ seungyoun would if we could.
➳ hangyul thinks it’s stupid.
➳ seungyoun wants to be friends.
➳ hangyul is indecent.
➳ byungchan doesn’t claim hangyul.
➳ hangyul did what he had to do.
➳ seungwoo can’t stand his friends.
➳ wooseok’s day was eventful.
➳ seungyoun’s endeared.
➳ wooseok asks him to relay a message.
➳ wooseok’s a little surprised.
➳ seungyoun really does irritate him.
➳ they finally agree on something.
➳ hangyul asks for context.
➳ hangyul regrets nothing.
➳ yohan’s surprised.
➳ seungwoo doesn’t find it reassuring.
➳ wooseok doesn’t think it matters.
➳ seungwoo doesn’t see any harm in asking.
➳ wooseok’s bored.
➳ seungyoun should be telling him off.
➳ seungyoun talks like a white boy.
➳ wooseok needs to slow down.
➳ neither of them can say no.
➳ seungwoo tries his hand at persuasion.
➳ wooseok’s not sure if he wants to go.
➳ seungyoun provides advice.
➳ seungyoun’s melodramatic.
➳ seungyoun’s still on for friday.
➳ seungyoun’s setting up.
➳ hangyul’s triumphant.
➳ seungyoun revels in the thrill of performing.
➳ hangyul scores a seat.
➳ wooseok had fun.
➳ wooseok thinks the singer was pretty good.
➳ wooseok almost broke his bones.
➳ seungyoun refuses to elaborate.
➳ hangyul’s too nosy.
➳ seungyoun doesn’t see the point.
➳ hangyul’s worries are valid.
➳ seungyoun wants to shut hangyul up.
➳ wooseok never ceases to surprise him.
➳ wooseok and seungwoo are a little too similar.
➳ hangyul has something important to say.
➳ hangyul tries to crack the case...
➳ ...and tries a bit more.
➳ hangyul’s pimping seungyoun out.
➳ hangyul might be onto something.
➳ seungyoun lives under a rock.
➳ hangyul temporarily admits defeat.
➳ seungyoun isn’t the only one awake.
➳ wooseok will put off judgment.
➳ wooseok doesn’t despise him.
i have a ton of works ( ao3 fics and socmed aus ) lined up after this one, and one of them is an interactive x1 mystery au. there wouldn’t be any pairings as the objective of the story is to crack the case, but if i were to write it, would you guys be interested in reading it?
➳ seungyoun hasn’t slept.
➳ wooseok’s in denial.
➳ seungyoun wants to gloat.
➳ wooseok learned how to use caps.
➳ yohan needs to be taken to the pound.
➳ yohan’s always nosy.
➳ yohan activated the brat response.
➳ wooseok wants privacy.
➳ seungwoo has his own methods.
➳ seungwoo outsmarted wooseok.
➳ they’ll be the first to know.
➳ wooseok used to be terrified.
➳ seungyoun’s confides.
➳ seungyoun’s thinking too much.
➳ wooseok wanted to get through to him.
➳ seungyoun’s random.
➳ yohan pitches in.
➳ seungyoun’s up to something.
➳ seungyoun left him something.
➳ wooseok gives his compliments to the chef.
➳ wooseok messages the sanest in their trio.
➳ wooseok was prepared for one interrogator.
➳ seungwoo wants him to be careful.
➳ seungyoun’s ungrateful.
➳ hangyul fails to see the correlation.
➳ seungyoun hasn’t met woo.
➳ seungyoun wants to respect his privacy.
➳ yamper is the best boy.
➳ yohan’s pissy.
➳ wooseok’s not jealous.
➳ seungwoo doesn’t think he wants to know.
➳ wooseok hit rock yohan.
➳ wooseok’s not into pokemon.
➳ they make plans.
➳ seungyoun thinks he just set up a date.
hey there! it’s been a ( really long ) while and i’m really sorry about that, but i did prepare something extra for you guys and i’ll be linking it down below. if you’re still here and still reading, thank you so much. while i was gone, i got an idea for a really short socmed au.
honestly speaking, i don’t like starting new ones while i still have socmed aus ongoing, but this will be really short so i reckon i can manage to work on both of them at the same time. the teaser will be attached to this thread once i’ve posted it. give me a second.
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