Most of what we call "authority" operates, by design, with structural impunity and their "authority," is reflected by a "title," rather than there being a meritocracy nor does it infer their credibility or integrity of character.
When "Trust my experience" is replaced by "Respect my authority" we can be sure that we're living in an authoritocracy rather than a meritocracy...
In the various microcosms that "authority" exists, they're the gatekeepers of inclusion and usually operate under the premise that everyone else and everything besides "them," is interchangeable and the problem...
Authority and its Insane hierarchies and chain-of-commands, often leave the majority of workers disempowered and disconnected from the realization that they're, representative, of the company too.
There is no leadership coming from the top anymore. We have authority-figures who have one job & that's to push and champion policy, maintain the status-quo & ensure the "policies" which they do not take or have any responsibility for, are rigidly enforced. That's what we have...
Leadership identifies issues with "policy" and confronts them and at least if there's no solution they will still acknowledge and attempt to address them, rather than abdicate any responsibility, by remaining conveniently willfully ignorant, enabled to them by the "policies."
Healthy and valid opposition often is viewed & dismissed by "authorities" as nothing more than disgruntled flak or dissent, & fortunately, for them,there are multiple ways in which to deal with those bold enough to share their "opposition" if & when it becomes "an inconvenience."
You may be stonewalled, gas-lighted, willfully misapprehended or mischaracterized, marginalized, ostracized, demonized, terminated, or in the worst-case scenarios, incarcerated, suicided, and assassinated, or both...
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