PSA 🗣🗣🗣 blood groups and genotype thread for those that are interested. They are 2 different things. A bit detailed but u can read it in bits so u don’t get overwhelmed. This was sparked by a discussion on #UltimateLoveNG #ultimatelove. I will answer any questions u may have.
There are 4 main blood groups: A, B, AB & O. We also have what is called Rhesus factor (Rh). If you have the Rh factor then we say you are Rh positive, if not then Rh negative. So with that the different blood groups are A+, A-, B+, B-, AB+, AB-, O+, O-
When blood transfusions are needed, your blood group is checked. Each blood group has certain things in them that can cause reactions, if you’re given blood not compatible to your blood group. These things are called antigens and antibodies.
However, you can still get transfusion reactions with a compatible blood group but usually manageable when detected. The other reason knowing your blood group is important is for women with Rh negative blood type ie A-, B-, AB-, O- who get married to men with Rh pos blood types
When Rh neg women are carrying a baby for a Rh pos man, they must be given a drug called Rhogam in every pregnancy to prevent problems in subsequent pregnancies. Rh incompatibility occurs if the baby inherits the Rh pos blood and this Rh factor crosses into the mother’s blood or
She receives a Rh pos blood transfusion. She develops antibodies & if in her next pregnancy the baby has Rh pos blood, these antibodies will cross into the baby’s blood & cause problems for the baby. The 1st pregnancy is not a problem if she has no Rh antibodies yet
Now to genotypes. We all have red blood cells that contain hemoglobin (Hb) that serve as a vehicle to carry oxygen to all tissues in the body. The structure of the hemoglobin chain gives the genotype and affects the way it carries and delivers oxygen.
The different Hb chains are HbA, HbS, HbC, HbF, HbE, HbD and a few other rare ones. Because all our genes are inherited from 2 people, we take one from our father and the other from the mother. So each person will have a combination of any of the types mentioned previously
HbA is the normal variant which carries oxygen well. HbS is the sickle cell variant. HbF is fetal hemoglobin & disappears by 6months of age normally but can persist especially in those with abnormal Hb variants. So you can have AA, AC, AS, AD, SS, SC, SD, CC, etc any combo really
So if you want to know the possible genotypes for your unborn babies between your partner and you, all you have to do is cross your Hb type with theirs. An example for a couple with AS and AC genotypes. Their children can have any of these Hb types: AA, AS, AC, SC.
If they have 4 children, it doesn’t mean they will have one of each Hb genotype mentioned above. There is a 25% chance of getting each combo with each pregnancy. So u can have all 4 being SC or all 4 being AA or 3 being AC & 1 being AS. Any combo is possible from the types above.
The fuss about Hb genotype is because of sickle cell disease (SCD) which is having an S with any of the abnormal variants (not A). An easy way to know if you and your partner may have a child with SCD is if both of you have an abnormal variant. Eg both of you are AS or AC etc
If one of u is AA then u are good to go. No hustle. Please be mindful of your genotype when u start any relationship bcos bringing a child with sickle cell disease (SS, SC, SD) into this world is unfair & will put stress on ur relationship. Thanks for reading.I hope this helped.
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