Last night:

Me: Got any homework?

Anna: Nah.

Me: Whatcha gonna do?

Anna: Have a map I’m working on.

Just found this on her desk.
"Chile becomes 'Long Chile,' removing the entire west coast and causing Chilean-American War" was not something I was really expecting.
Folks, I realize you all have a lot of questions. I have many myself. We're just going to have to wait for her to get home from school to sort all this out.
I will note that her disrespect for Wyoming is notable. She has long said, as a rhetorical non-sequitur, “is Wyoming even real?” And this has been displayed on the light box in her room for several months.
I told her that I've been to Wyoming. Skied there. Hung out there for days. It's a real place. She responded by saying "uh huh."
My 16-year-old daughter just red pilled us all.
Update: I asked her if Ohio2 was a replica of the actual Ohio or if it’s just a cutout shape.
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