d) DRUG DEATHS: Scotland now has highest drug deaths in Europe. 1,187 people died from drugs last year, triple that of England and Wales, and even higher even than the US - which is in the grip of an opioid crisis. 11/18
e) LOCAL COUNCILS: Real-term cut in funding of 7.6% since 2013/14 has necessitated deep cuts in financial reserves, and more borrowing by councils despite increases in the block grant from the UK. 23 of Scotland’s 32 local authorities are now drawing from their reserves. 12/18
e. CRIME: Under the SNP crime has increased, esp sexual and violent crimes (10% increase). After SNP shut down 125 police stations the Scottish Police Federation said that the SNP has “given up on policing” and committed “an act of policing vandalism” 13/18
The SNP argue that Scot Govn is fiscally constrained by Westminster. But public spending per capita remains significantly higher in Scotland than the rest of the UK. Every Scot gets 116 percent of the UK’s average spending per capita, compared to 97 percent in England. 14/18
SNP problem is NOT financial. They have more money than most parts of UK. Problem is poor management & misuse of power. From Edinburgh tram scandal (10x original budget), to the latest ferry scandal (yrs late double budget), there has been a devastating pattern emerging: 15/18
The SNP, as a government, systematically prioritises perceived party “electoral” marketing value of projects and policies over their economic and social value, and neglects the operational and implementation challenges leading to eye-watering waste of public money. 16/18
And to top it all off, when all is said and done, no individual minister, or indeed the party as a whole, is ever held accountable for any of it – because the over-riding push for independence keeps the voters together and allows scandals to be nearly ignored. 17/18
So, After 13 yrs SNP’s record is, one of positive messaging, and mediocre to dismal implementation. That is why they beat the drums of independence. If the SNP does not keep dangling the promise of an Ind Scotland in front of the faithful, it has nothing else to stand on. 18/18
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