Books I read in 2020 (A Thread)
1. Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

This book taught me spirit of adventure & empathy, even though it's a small one, I thoroughly enjoyed reading it. We need to remember that life is full of surprises 😁
2. Jonathan Livingston Seagull
This book has taught me - Uniqueness is our strength, we dont need to live our life in conformity & we can carve our destiny through passion, This book gave me freedom in my thoughts & I realized that I'm Limitless & boundaries are only in our minds
3. The Old Man and the Sea

A beautiful classic by Ernest Hemingway, This book taught me how a real life struggle looks like & how can a man overcome his obstacles by his sheer will power, grit & patience. I love the old man (Santiago), his friendship, dreams on lions & Dimaggio
4. Who Am I ? Answered by Ramana Maharshi 🙏 This little book on self emquiry has a calming effect on me, some of my doubts are vanquished, understood nature of mind, how to be vigilant to source of thoughts, tackling the egoistic - "I" & realizing I dont exist since I am that
5. Tuesdays with Morrie 🌷
This is the real life story of Prof. Morrie Schwartz in his final days battling ALS. Theme is Meaning of Life. The book is sad & yet inspiring, courageous & filled with hope. Life lessons on Love, compassion & kindness moved me, Mitch Albom you beauty !
6. Adventures of Tom Sawyer

This is a crazy book. I saw my entire childhood & mischiefs flashing in front of me. The spirit of adventure, lively imagination, love & courage exhibited by Tom Sawyer & Huck Finn in the story inspired me. Mark Twain's writing is sumptous to read 🌷
7. Uncle Toms Cabin - H.B.Stowe (టామ్ మామ ఇల్లు తెలుగు అనువాదం రంగనాయకమ్మ )
The most saddest book i've ever read 🥺 Book portrays lives of Black people in Slavery before Civil war in USA, My friend Pallavi gave me this book (70's print) sadly found this in ruins & but read it
8. Adventures of King Arthur & his Round Table Knights - Thomas Malory
This is a classic British legend, folklore drama of King Arthur & his Adventurous conquests with his Sword Excalibur & his Knight Sir Lancelot in his kingdom of Camelot. Reminds of Game of Thrones, Good one 🌷
9. Robinson Crusoe 🌷
One of my favorite books -> Robinson Crusoe stranded on an island lives for 27 years through his sheer will & determination, teaches us courage & tenacity in times of hopelessness. How the God helps people in need is what comforted me greatly by this book
10. King Solomon's Mines ⛏️🏞️🏝️🏜️

This is the first adventurous novel to be set in Africa. This novel began the genre of "Lost World"
This books paints the rich African culture which we have never heard before. The adventures of Allan Quartermain & Henry Curtis are joy to read
11. Kidnapped ⛴️🚣💰🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿

Published in 1750's, found the English hard to read & it took so much time to understand the setting of novel -> Appin murder - Scotland's geography. The mental character shown by David & Alan to overcome thier dangers is laudable, inspiring & fun to read
12. 20000 leagues under the sea - Jules Verne 🚢🔱⚓☸️🌊🐠
This is a mind blowing book. I was awestruck by the detailed research that went in writing this book. I am in love with Captain Nemo & the Nautilus. I enjoyed every word & the journey of this book. Nerds -> Do read !
13. Breakfast at Tiffany's - Truman Capote

I read this book for my pleasure.. just loved how the tale flew. Truman Capote's narration is sumptous 🙏
3 more short stories...House of Flowers, A Diamond Guitar, A Christmas Memory gave me joyful reading experience 🌹
14. Shakespeare stories (First Folio - Comedies, Histories & Tragedies)
తెలుగు అనువాదం - ముక్తవరం పార్థసారధి
I always enjoy reading Shakespeare. I was searching to read Hamlet...then I found this old book in my shelf & devoured it 😁
I love Shakespeare ❣️ My favorite playwright
15. Ignited Minds - A.P.J. Abdul Kalam

This book has Kalam's thoughts & dreams of India's future as "DEVELOPED INDIA" & the path we need to tread to achieve that goal. We think about India collectively when we read this book. "Our enemy is poverty" 👏 Inspired reading this book
16. Richest Man in Babylon - George S Clason
Book of wealth secrets & the laws that govern the building of wealth. Financial lessons from Arkad (Richest Man), Mathon (Money lender) & Debasir (Camel trader) are inspiring & mind-blowing, glad that I found this book at an young age
17. Six Thinking Hats - Edward De Bono

Six hats serving different purposes helps us understanding any problem with an outlook never seen before. White (neutral, facts) Red (emotions) Black (cautions) Yellow (hope & optimism) Green (creativity) Blue (overview) are six hats
18. The Monk who sold his Ferrari - Robin Sharma @RobinSharma
This book is one of the best books I have read recently. Julian's journey -> odyssey towards spiritual land of Sivana & the life lessons & teachings of Yogi Raman are motivating. The purpose of life is life of purpose
19. Who will cry when you die - Robin Sharma
I thank @RobinSharma for such a wonderful book filled with invaluable life lessons. Feeling good inside
20. The Pursuit - Dexter Yagers
Our Success is hidden in the journey is the secret. This book gives us invisible energy to go start the work instantly with enthusiasm. This is one of my favorite self help books. This books contains lessons worth diamonds. "If I rest, I rust" !
21. The Power of Positive Thinking - Norman Vincent Peale

This book is so powerful ❤️ I understood that there is so much power in our thoughts.
This books helps us in improving self belief, breaking the worry habit, solving personal problems, using prayers & being optimistic
22. Courage and Confidence an Anthology - Norman Vincent Peale

This book is one of my all time favorites. Teaches us how Courage and hope banishes our fears, having enthusiasm for life, art of thankfulness, loving one another,having Faith & using the power of prayer to heal
23. The Magic of Thinking BIG - David J. Schwartz

This book is literally magic. Some lines in this book gave me such pump that I did backflips in my imagination due to that rush of thinking BIG.
We can learn - right attitude, getting action habit, thinking like a leader....
24. How to develop a Super Power Memory - Harry Lorayne

This is a book of cheat codes for memory. Memory is our treasure. Teaches us various methods like Link Methods, peg remember any lengths of information in our brain.
You are limited only by your imagination
25. Ramayana 🌷
Valmiki's Ramayana (English translation by C. Rajagopalachari)

I attained some inexplicable sense of happiness and peace of mind after I read this book reverently. The magical verses of Poet Valmiki cannot be found here but the essence was same

Jai Sriram 🙏
26. Mahabharata 🌷
Vyasa's Mahabharata (English translation by C. Rajagopalachari)

I find no words no describe the Beauty of the world biggest Epic.
I see this as book of ethics too. So much to learn from each and every character.

May Dharma protect us all 🙏
27. Self-Enquiry
'Vichara Sangraham' of Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi
The questions were asked by Gambhiram Sheshayya an early devotee of Bhagavan.
To experience the non-dual self through the enquiry "who am I ?" is the teaching of Sri Ramana Maharshi 🌷
28. My Experiments with Truth - Mahatma Gandhi 🌷

Truth is my God, Bapu is my guru. He inspired me like no one has ever done before. Using soul force in place of brute force has inspired me. His autobiography is his experiments with life to realise the Truth

Do read friends 😃
29. Autobiography of a Yogi - Paramhansa Yogananda 🌷

This is a life changing book. Purely Metaphysical, gives the message of Kriya Yoga & Meditation of Lahiri Mahasaya.

An indescribable peace blossomed within me after reading this book and realizing that God is Love 😃
30. Living with the Himalyan Masters - Swamy Rama 🌷

This spiritual classic has Illuminating, mystical, riveting stories from Himalayan sages. Some of the experiences shared were almost impossible to believe to a present day mankind. Swamy Rama teachings are so joyful to read 😃
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