thread: the chaotic gay that is alec lightwood aka my lil shit
look at him struggling to breathe...that lil shit
that lil shit 😤😤😤 i wanna squish him
this lil shit just went 😳☺️😊🥰
–gay... yah i know
alec, your matt is showing lmao
this lil shit really wore his boyfriend's shirt as a scheme to ask about moving in...and then got turned down. my poor lil shit baby. 🥺
clueless lil shit lmao he's too cute
his chaotic gay ass said yolo lmao
"oh no, my boyfriend doesn't wanna move in and has this creepy lil box. i think he don't love me no more ☹️☹️☹️"
literally no one's asking but yes, slap underhill with the fact that you're drunk and still in too deep with my warlock son...nice drunken move, my lil shit.
who says this lil shit is only compliant with the rules???
lil shit asking important questions while checking out his boyf's ass
this poor lil shit baby who doesn't know how to flirt ssksjsjsjdn
and this lil fuckin shit really checked if his heart was beating fast lmao
he literally just flopped into the floor lmao this lil shit doesn't train well when he's sexually frustrated
drunk lil shit talking about magnus is a cutie
i miss this dramatic lil shit 🥺😤
"i could lose my family, my career, everything" MY ASS!!! this lil shit really was clueless
oop almost forgot about this thread. here's lil shit failing at the cryptic category lmao.
i really do think lil shit was clueless here coz he had no idea how flirting works lmao...that lil shit
still checking out magnus even tho they're broken up...damn, lil shit couldn't help it, huh?
i miss this lil shit 😤
drunk nose scrunch plus being salty lmao that lil shit
that lil box really got this lil shit so messed up my poor drunk baby
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