This is the birth chart of El-Hajj Malik El-Shabazz, better known as Malcolm X.

He was born May 19, 1925 at 10:25pm in Omaha, Nebraska
[This birth data is from Astrodatabank and has AA rating for being directly from the birth certificate]
There are so many places to start with Malcolm X's chart. But I'm gonna stay true to my vision and start with his Moon.

Moon is where it all begins, with mother first, then home, family, upbringing. Moon is the body. Malcolm X's Moon tells almost all of the story of his life.
Aries Moon conjunct Mercury, opposed Saturn. If there were ever a configuration to show the instability of Malcolm X's early years, the separation from his mother and family, and the martial life he lived before prison, it's the condition of the Moon in his birth chart.
The Moon articulates home and the relationship with or experience of mother. It describes one's upbringing.

At 6, Malcolm X's father died. At 12 his mother had a nervous breakdown and was institutionalized. He was put into foster care and separated from his siblings then.
That Aries Moon signifies the familiarity of instability and can indicate transience. It makes movement and travel familiar. And as we know, Malcolm X moved from Nebraska to Detroit to Boston to Harlem. He traveled the world during his lifetime.
His own home was violently destroyed just a week before he died. He was homeless and poor at the time of his death.
Upon his conversion to Islam, Malcolm X's Aries Moon with Mercury teamed up with is Sagittarius rising + Jupiter to create a rebellious firebrand preacher who said out loud things that little to none had ever had the courage to say.
One of the things that confused me about his chart was his stint in prison. He has no 12th house placements, neither does he have any 4th house placements. But for the uninitiated, this 12th house them is hiding in plain sight!
Discovering a person's ultimate path or calling in life via the birth chart can be found by calculating the Lot of Fortune and to count from the Lot until you land at the natal ascendant. For Malcolm X this mean that his natal ascendant falls in the 12th house/sign from the Lot
Malcolm X's ascendant falling in the 12th sign from the Lot of Fortune articulates the many ways he spent his life in exile. In exile from his family of origin when his mother was institutionalized and he was put through the foster care system...
...In exile when he was imprisoned. In exile when he was forced out of the Nation of Islam. We can see Malcolm X's life as one of a person who never fit in, who was always an outcast.
I see ya'll talking about Malcolm X's Taurus Sun, so I want to touch on that.

Taurus is a sign that I think is deeply misunderstood. But through the life of Malcolm X we can clearly see that this is what made him not just an ideologue, but a charismatic figure who craved...
acceptance and validation. He wanted to be liked and he wanted to belong. But that Aries Moon made him more of a rebel and leader than a community member who could stay in a position of subservience.
There were letters that he sent to the Honorable Elijah Muhammad after he had be set down from speaking publicly. In these letters he begged and pleaded to be accepted back into the fold. But his conviction and drive for autonomy were much stronger then his need to be accepted.
Taurus articulates the human drive to conform behavior and appearances to set standards in order to be in relationship and community.
You see that 180 Malcolm X did upon release from prison? It's the most telling expression of his Sagittarius placements and his Taurus placements.
The tension between Malcolm X's Fire sign placements (Aries and Sagittarius) and the Taurus in his chart is a tension he never resolved. Personally, I cringe at the way he spoke about his former father figure Elijah Muhammad once he had been kicked out of the Nation of Islam.
Though he said things that were true, it read much like a son trying to get back at his father for rejecting him. And for Taurus Sun, rejection is the worst thing that could happen.
There are 2 aspect configurations in Malcolm X's chart that speak to not only his violent death, but also the role enemies (both open and hidden) played in his ultimate fate:
Jupiter in Sagittarius in the 1st house opposed Mars in Gemini in the 7th is the most important one.
Planets in the 7th can be tough! Especially Mars because it means that one is constantly experiencing Mars through other people. That is combativeness, aggression, and conflict. Mars in the 7th also means that his own aggression and combativeness was projected onto others....
Mostly importantly, Mars rules the 12th house of spies + hidden enemies in Malcolm X's. Anyone who knows anything about his life knows that he was spied on by everyone, including the NYPD the FBI and the NOI. His chief of security at the time of his death was an police informant!
To have the ruler of the 12th house in the 7th house can be as benign as only having long distance relationships, or partnerships/relationships with people from another culture or country.
But for Malcolm X, having his 12th house ruler in the 7th meant that there was no difference between friends and enemies. Friends became enemies and enemies became friends over the course of his life. And he had a whole bunch of enemies!
Mars opposed Jupiter is one of the most difficult placements to have in a natal chart. I'm not being alarmist, I'm speaking from logical + consistent fact. Addiction + substance abuse, emotion dysregulation, +various mental health issues are often indicated by that configuration.
For Malcolm X, Mars opposed Jupiter is one of, if not thee defining feature of his birth chart. Jupiter is in his 1st house and rules his ascendant. It is thee planet that signifies him!
Who is Sagittarius Rising with Jupiter in Sagittarius? It is the preacher and the teacher. It is the intellectual. It is the guru. It is the spiritual seeker. It is the one whose judgement becomes a standard for many followers.
Mars opposed Jupiter looks something like this:
My autonomy and drive for self preservation, my force of will and physical strength is at odds with/in conflict with my judgement, my sense of belonging in community, and my beliefs about how the world works.
We can see this Mars + Jupiter opposition at play during the time of Malcolm X's death.

Malcolm X was 39 years old when he was assassinated. 39 y/o is the year of life governed by the 4th house. Because he has Pisces there, Jupiter was in charge of that year.
Here is the solar return for Malcolm X's 39th birthday:
given what happened this year we should see the 9th house active (he embarked upon the Hajj) and Mars should be very busy (he was violently assassinated and had open and public conflict.)
Look at Jupiter & Mars conjunct in Aries in his solar return chart! See the Moon in Leo in his natal + solar return 9th. Indicating the breadth of travelling he did that year.

But Mars & Jupiter are the stars here, setting off the tense opposition between his natal Moon + Saturn
Malcolm X was obviously a man of spiritual devotion, an intellectual + deep thinker whose calling for eradicating injustice couldn't compete with his rebellious nature (TRAUMA!). This is seen in his exalted Saturn in Libra opposed Moon + Mercury in Aries.
One last thing...
1952 was a year of great significance for Malcolm X. He was released from prison and began a quick rise to prominence as a minister in the Nation of Islam. He was 27 that year. A 4th house year ruled by Jupiter just like he was in the year he was assassinated.
As quickly as he rose to prominence was as quickly as he gained enemies including family members of his father figure Elijah Muhammad, + other leadership figures in the Nation of Islam. It was during the Jupiter return of his joining of the NOI that they murdered him.
I’m watching this Malcolm X doc Make It Plain on YouTube. Might have some more to add to this thread. 😬
That Aries Moon on Malcolm X’s IC is so loud!
At the beginning of his life home was burned down by the Klan in Omaha, Nebraska. His fam moved to Detroit. His home in Detroit was burned down by the Klan. At the end of his life his home was burned down by the State & NOI 🤯
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