Thread on a certain class of people I describe as "self-hating Chinese".

Similar to "self-hating Jew":

Used to describe Chinese diaspora in the West (mostly journalists) whose hatred for their own nation and culture goes beyond all rationality.
Hating China is their way of fitting in in the West - a sort of Stockholm Syndrome. Many hate China even more than their western counterparts.

Hiring them also lets news outlets check the "diversity" box.

And being Chinese lends an air of legitimacy to their criticisms of China
In their writings, they'll often combine their experiences of growing up in China with a dogmatic belief in the superiority of western civilization and governance - making them catnip to the West.

No wonder these rare creatures are highly coveted by the western media.
Or course, there's nothing inherently wrong in criticizing one's own nation. Yet, even the most ardent critics find at least SOMETHING good to say about their nation too - despite the criticisms.

But not the self-hating Chinese. They find NOTHING positive to say about China.
But that's where the similarities with self-hating Jews end. For that accusation is often used to dismiss even genuine criticism of Israel by a Jew.

But self-hating Chinese go beyond that. They claim to just hate the CCP, but I wonder whether there's something more to it.
They largely believe that western civilization is superior and modern, and that Chinese civilization and culture is backward and old fashioned.

However, their wokeness prevents them from saying it out loud. So they say it indirectly. e.g. by using orientalist tropes.
Could their hatred mask something sinister - that they're unable to admit even to themselves?

Intense self loathing - and it's projection to their nation?

Or perhaps a latent hatred towards their parents? (many of them are women with complex relationships with their mothers)
A latent hatred for parents - which often co-exists with love - often manifests itself as projected hatred for something else, often the nation or culture. Criticizing China often serves as a psychological alternative to rebelling against one's parents.
Asian parents have their own issues. Yet, one wonders why they have to rebel publicly. What're they trying to prove?

Exhibit A:
Exhibit B:
Exhibit C:

Of course, we never near the parents' side of the story
It's often said that it's so easy to love your family, yet so difficult to like them.

The problem is exacerbated in Asian cultures - especially for female children.

With increasing age, it can be difficult to navigate parents' expectations with your own beliefs.
You and your parents may not agree on everything.

Whining about them and throwing tantrums in public is not the answer. One just ends up looking childish and hateful.

Resolving this contradiction is part of growing up, especially for Asians.

It's called Adulthood.
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