The War on Humanity
Who is the Enemy
Part 1

Why do we go to war?
Through blood, money and power..
Who truly benefits?

Civil war;
620,000 killed, 476,000 injured and 300,000+ captured and/or missing.
What you were told was the civil war (1860-1865) was ..
Fought simply over slavery, that could not be further from the truth.
What you are told is that war is about slavery, yet slavery was on both sides. As usual the war was over money, Tariff of Abominations (Tariff of 1828) which cutdown the trade of cotton..
The war of 1812 left the U.S. in debt by paying for the war. The goal of the terrif was to protect the Northern states. "The panic of 1837" caused a sharp decline in the price of cotton as well as property value, due to Andrew Jackson not renewing the ..
Financial charter towards the central banks, so central banking created the collapse of 1837. In Sep 1857, the sinking of USS Central America along with 420 crew members and 30k pounds of gold contributed to the panic of 1857, which even furthered the..
Tensions between the north and the south. In history books, Lincoln ran on a antislavery platform...or only in the states added to the union? Even if Lincoln were to win the south would not be affected by slavery, however, Abe did want to raise the tariff ..
For the northern states and the south opposed of the terrif due to the economy. Morrill Tarrif, wich is to replace the low tariff of 1857, to increase the financial district of the north including wallstreet, furthering the tensions between the north and..
The south. Even after the war Ulysses S. Grant kept his slaves and Delaware was the last state "under" Lincoln to abolish slavery. So was it really about slavery or to persuade the public to serve a further agenda?
The war was not for freedom, but against it.

9 million dead soldiers, 7 million dead civilians and unknown captured/missing.

How did WW1 start?
What you were lead to believe is that the war was a result of the death of Austro-Hungarian heir Archduke Granz Ferdinard who was assassinated
By Gavrilo Princip (Bosnian Serb Yugoslav Nationalist) on June 28 1914, this was simply propaganda to start the war. London, winter 1891 3 of the most powerful men at that time were secretly conforming a secret society. These members will leverage the..
Wealth and influence to shape the course of history. This Brotherhood is similarly modeled by that of the Jesuits. Comprised of 2 circles, the "inner" circle "The society of the elect" was to silently direct the orders of the "outer" circle known as..
"The society of the helpers" unknowingly to the outer circle.
William T Stead, Reginald Brett and Cecil John Rhodes were those (funded by the Rothschilds) were those 3, Rhodes had enough wealth and influence to to enact their agenda through many resources..
So what was the agenda of the "Rhodes round table" ? To form a secret society draining the worlds wealth and bringing the USA back to the Empire, Rhodes also included several other nations in this plot to bring about world domination and to have the British..
Race as the enforced culture in all countries around the world. After Rhodes death in 1902. Alfred Milner took over operations of the "Rhodes round table" . After Milner took control of the Rothschild funded "South Africa Civil Service", he acquired a team..
Of Oxford educated men to devise a plan to destabilize/eliminate Britains highest threat..Germany!
The British Empire needed to confront Germany before they became militarily undefeatable, therefore the British ceased control of the media to get the public..
Opinion in their favor through propaganda such as "Harping Babies" to influence the public through emotion. But the British wouldn't confront such a conflict of their own and bringing the USA back to the Empire was part of the plan. So how did the..
USA get involved in WW1? May 7th 1915 Colonel Edward M House and King George the Vth, the two speak of an ocean liner being sunk. As in Edwards quote "If this were done, a flame of Indignation would sweep across America, which would itself, probably..
Carry us into the war" .
King George the Vth said "Suppose they should sink the Lusitania with American passengers on board "
By "coincidence" at 2PM that very afternoon, is exactly what happened. So now the war gets personal for the Americans through the ..
Emotions of loss, wich sparked the American involvement into the war.
This war (disguised under Nationalism, territory and emotions) is absolutely nothing more than the first attempt to create a new world order by the hands of a select few who seek..
Control over you, or even worse, [they] feel they have the right to rule over you, as the old bloodlines have practiced for centuries.


Deaths 70-85million
About 3% of worlds population
Missing- unknown

So how did WW2 start?
What history told you is..
That the US retaliated because of the Japanese bombing Pearl harbor in Dec 1941, wich was set up by design. Roosevelt wanted to get the US into war but for political reasons wanted to make sure that the first act of hostility came from the other side..
So how would he accomplish such a goal? America provoked Japan to an extent that the Japs were forced to attack. "The question is how should we maneuver them (Japs) into position of firing the first shot" - Henry Stimson. So the first thing Roosevelt did was.
Stop shipping oil to Japan wich increased economic tensions, for at the time Japan was very dependent on our oil and other resources. Japan was struggling to get the embargo lifted and resume normal trade and was again rejected. So Japan was given an ..
Ultimatum, an ultimatum authored by Harry Dexter White (who was actually a Soviet agent), the ultimatum was "Die by starvation or Die by communism". So the Japs were forced to attack in fight for their economy. Roosevelt was never held accountable for the..
Attack, instead only the military.
In 1944 The Navy conducted an investigation into Pearl harbor, After observing the evidence and finding out Washington had advanced knowledge of the attacks the admirals were absolutely furious.

Continue to part 2..
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