Listen, friends - the Internet can be just as much of a fetid shitpool as the rest of the world. But it also can be this: I asked my crafty Internet friends to knit or crochet baby goat scarves for us. And they did. And I'm doling them out sparingly to keep us all from giving up.
You've seen this one before. But really now, does that even matter?
Not sure it's ever gonna get any cuter that this.
*than, even. 🙄
It's important to wear your scarf *below* your wattles.
I was trying to save this for tomorrow, but I need it and you might, too
Oh hai. I am #BGOTD
Everyone wants to wear this scarf because it's filled with magic jewels.
So fuzzy.
More is more.
Ladies with an attitude
Fellows that were in the mood
Don't just stand there, let's get to it
Strike a pose, there's nothing to it
You bet your wattles I'm a dandy.
You were expecting a pot of gold?
Still cold. Need moar fuzzy warm thing.
Good, big, warm fuzzy thing is good.
We interrupt this thread to insert Lefty in a scarf. Because he so clearly wanted to wear a scarf.
We're back!
We got some new scarves this week. But we're fixin' to get new babies this week, too. So we're gonna need more scarves.
Too sexy for this scarf
So cheerful and springy
It has beads!
That cabling, tho! 😍
Oh, hai. Didn't see you there. Was being fancy.
The pink matches my nose.
I wear grey on the outside because grey is how I feel on the inside.
It really highlights my wattles, dontchathink?
Wash your hands.
I'm a pretty boy.
Times are tough. We're reusing scarves.
Oh, good lord...
I wear my scarves like I wear my ears.
Would you like to come to my graduate student housing and look at my etchings?
You can follow @BlueHeronFarmTX.
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