The idea of secular vs. religious Judaism is predicated upon post-Enlightenment European religio-izing of Judaism in order to turn it into a Christianity(minus). It was to allow Jews to participate in (Christian) European society as co-equal nationals of differing religions 1/6
Judaism can't actually be broken down into religious and nonreligious elements - if you look at our core sources, laws we'd consider "religious" today are side by side with laws we'd consider "secular." To try to pull those pieces apart undermines Judaism's brilliance. 2/6
Jewish life is one of constant contradiction. We live in a world of difficulties created by a perfect entity; we are simultaneously concerned with honoring our Divine entity, while proclaiming "[Authority] is not in Heaven, [it lies with us]!" 3/6
Our mystics saw this entity, Yah, as an Endless No-thing; Yah is present everywhere and nowhere in particular; Yah is not a "God" in the sense that atheists talk about Gods, just as our practices are not merely "religious" in the way that Christians talk about religiosity. 4/6
In short, going to a Jewish deli and getting a traditional Ashkenazi Jewish deli meal (often non-kosher!) can be just as "religious" an act as davening Mincha. Rushing through the Amida without intention can be just as "secular" an act as getting your teeth cleaned. 5/6
We only hurt ourselves and each other by holding up false dichotomies of what it means to be Jewish. If you're not Jewish, please don't enter into the conversation without first doing a lot of study. If you are, please don't attack those whose ways are different than yours. 6/6
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