intro/guide to FANXYRED, a girl group where all members are tomboys (thread)
i’ll die if i have to wait until the next potential cb to fix the mistakes in my last one so i’m remaking my thread already. i’ll try not to keep it too long. also a bunch of this is using translations from @forfanxyred
-FANXYRED is a girl group under TOV entertainment
-used to be Acrush, a Cpop girl group w/ FFC Entertainment, but have since rebranded
-they work for a Korean company and did promotions in Korea, so yes they’re Kpop
-fans are called “diamonds”
the tomboyish/androgynous style is not a costume. all members were deliberately chosen by ffc bc their style suited the vision for the group. (i won’t post predebut pics here bc tov will get mad, but they were REALLY stone butch in predebut photos)
not to mention ex-members yuxuan and junqian still have the same androgynous style long after leaving the group, so yes, the tomboy/butch style is authentic. (no recent yiyang photos because she disappeared off social media after leaving 😢)
misinformation & confusion surrounding the members’ sexualities+gender identities still persist even now. please read oomf’s thread on this, she’s been a fan since the beginning & can explain stuff better than me (tl;dr yes all members & ex-members are women)
Stage name: K
Real name: Lu Keran
DOB: 07/11/1995
Leader, vocalist, main dancer (?)
-members say she’s actually shy & acts like a spoiled child
-considers herself the sexiest member
-way more of a clown than she looks
-used to do fencing
-“no baby boy, [i’m] baby girl uwu”
i don’t know if her official title is actually main dancer but it should be because 😳
calls herself a sweet shy baby girl but it’s a LIE
she’s going to be on qcyn2 with linfan! these two are an unbelievably annoying duo, they’ll be so much fun to watch
can be a clown but also takes her role as a leader seriously, and works the hardest to set an example for her bandmates. interacts with fans a lot. multilingual queen. clip not related it’s just cute
Stage name: Roy
Real name: An Junxi
DOB: 28/03/1995
-members say she seems cold but is actually caring and warm
-can’t sleep without a stuffed animal
-likes swimming
-calls fans ‘细菌’ (bacteria)
-douyin thot
-when called cute “no no i’m cold & aloof, i’m cold & aloof”
the rap industry fears her
wants to show that women don’t have to be traditionally feminine to be charming! listen to her words of wisdom
she can rap, sing, and dance. she’s so all-rounder who can do it all, a queen
really, really likes minions
TOV calls her and K “Kroy” and labeled them the official chemi-couple (also there have been alleged rumors these two were spotted on chinese lesbian apps predebut 😳 wouldn’t surprise me after seeing their predebut pics tbh but they’re just rumors)
Stage name: Shawn
Real name: Peng Xichen
DOB: 24/05/1995(?)
-also considers herself the sexiest member
-used to do latin dancing
-talented songwriter, co-wrote one of the songs on their album
-“i know i’m beautiful u don’t have to keep complimenting me”
acts like a huge fuckboy in her douyins but in real life this poor girl is actually the dictionary definition of a shy panicked gay. cute 🥺
also dictionary definition sad lesbian. listen to her solo works she’s a really talented singer and songwriter. this song is called “her” and translated by forfanxyred on youtube
she has the voice of an angel (‘still in time’ song cover)
Stage name: Marco
Real name: Lin Fan
DOB: 02/10/1998
-youngest but the tallest, a giant baby
-really loves cats. a lot
-can’t go 5 seconds without being a clown
-loves cooking
-members say she’s the happiest member; she’s the life of the party
“this is your cutest baby marco”
dictionary definition confident gay. she knows people started shipping her with keran and is acting up to get more fans, poor keke 😔
she’s gamer raging
will be on qcyn2 with keran, please support her!
all ggs have their own unique charm, and it’s really important for there to be a gg that challenges traditional ideas of what women are “supposed” to be like. in addition to being talented, funny, cute, kind people, they’re also great role models. please support them!
-follow @/FANXYRED on twitter
-subscribe to tov entertainment on youtube
-oomf forfanxyred on youtube has a lot of translations and old videos
-follow all members on instagram, douyin, and weibo, they have their own individual accounts!
-follow fanxyred on tiktok
-stream T.O.P
links to other good threads and guides:
my dumbass forgot to put roles for the other members 😫

roy: main rapper, vocalist
shawn: main vocalist
marco: sub-rapper
me: dumbass
anyways these girls are the cutest and deserve everything
also bc people asked, i use androgynous/tomboy interchangeably bc their recent looks have gotten pretty soft, much closer to “tomboy” imo (especially keke). but given that an ex-member actually is a lesbian, their predebut pics, & rumors, sometimes i say butch too for simplicity
update: qcyn2 is airing, please support lu keran and lin fan! @lukeranarchive and @linfanarchive (among others) are two accounts that can help you keep up with them. also tbh follow oomf @forfanxyred too
one last thing, they’re not pretending to be a boy group. some ppl think this because of their stage names, but their company outright calls them a girl group. they have no intention of being a boy group, and said they consider themselves sexier than a boy group
i didnt think of this but someone asked if they could translate this thread into another language and if any of you wanna translate this into other languages go ahead, i want the girls to reach a wider audience!! you dont need to ask my permission, feel free to do it
You can follow @xichenpeng.
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