Snake bites are the worst and common especially at the cattle posts/ lands. In Botswana we have 72 species of snakes in which 80% are not venomous.

Here are the 8 most venomous snakes known in Botswana.
1. Black Mamba (Dendoaspis Polylepis) the largest and fastest venomous snake in Africa, the black mamba can strike up to 12 times in quick succession, delivering enough neuro and cardio-toxic venom to kill within an hour.
2. Puff Adder (Bitis Arietans) is responsible for the most human fatalities in Africa. It has large fangs and releases a cytotoxic venom, which attacks the body cells or tissues causing major inflammation and extreme pain. Most common in Botswana.
3. Boomslang (Dispholidus Typus) is a shy but lethal predator. Its venom is haemotoxic, meaning that it affects the body’s natural blood clotting mechanism, resulting in the bleeding of the internal organs. Yeeei ena e maswe maswe.
4. Cape Cobra (Naja Nivea) is notoriously aggressive. Its venom is made up of potent postsynaptic neurotoxins that affect the respiratory system, nervous system, and the heart. Death takes anywhere from one to ten hours.
5. Mozambican Spitting Cobra (Naja Mossambica) can elevate as much as two-thirds of its total body length. As the name suggests, the snake “spits” its neurotoxic venom up to 3 metres away with pinpoint accuracy. If it manages to hit you in the eye, it can lead to permanent
Blindness. Ena e romiwa boloi believe me.
6. Snouted Cobra (Naja Annulifera) is another highly venomous snake. Its bite can lead to respiratory complications; and if left untreated, may cause respiratory failure and death. Initial symptoms include pain and local swelling that may result in blistering.
Typically, victims are bitten on the lower leg, usually at night.
7. Anchieta’s Cobra (Naja Anchietae) whose venom is primarily a potent neurotoxin. As a species of moderate size with relatively large fangs, it can inject considerably large volumes of venom in a single bite. Although rare, bites have been known to lead to death in humans.
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