โœ…Day 1 down of @naval's
60 day Meditation Challenge

I can say after doing an hour of meditation, I feel at peace.

Most of our problems and worries can be resolved or alleviated by just sitting down and letting go.

When it comes to meditation, 1hr a day keeps anxiety away.
โœ…Day 2 down of @naval's
60 day Meditation Challenge

I'm realizing that the most important benefit of meditation is Impulse Control.

I kept having ideas I wanted to write down & tasks kept popping into my mind that I felt "needed" to be done immediately...
By not acting on them, I feel that I've strengthened my ability to control how I react to impulses in future situations.

It's been shown that meditation increases brain activity in the frontal lobe, which is responsible for executive functioning. So...

Meditation = Self-Control
โœ…Day 3 down of @naval's
60 day Meditation Challenge

Today's session felt like I was just thinking & planning the entire time.

I didn't really "get present" for more than a handful of moments.

But I still feel that I'm less tense/anxious than I was going in.

Onwards... ๐Ÿ“ˆ
โœ…Day 4 down of @naval's
60 day Meditation Challenge

Today's hour went well. I was able to recognize my slips down the thought rabbit hole & "re-center" myself back to "presence" relatively quickly.

Compared to yesterday it feels like I'm on a much higher level...
Also, I usually oversleep and have to drag myself out of bed even with a full nights rest.

But today I was able to get up at 6:30am with minimal effort and get right to my meditation without any procrastination...

After going to bed at 2:30am & getting 4hrs of sleep.

โœ…Day 5 down of @naval's
60 day Meditation Challenge

Today's session was ๐Ÿ‘Œ

I was tense going in and had exactly an hour before I had to be somewhere... and I almost decided to "do it later".

But I did it and by the end I was feeling positively about my current trajectory. ๐Ÿ“ˆ
โœ…Day 6 down of @naval's
60 day Meditation Challenge

Waited until 9:30pm to do today's session.

I was extremely tired after getting minimal sleep last night and being on the go all day.

It felt like just going through the motions...
I might've actually fallen asleep for some of it.

My timer alert was startling as fuck.

Looking back I don't remember thinking at all after the first 15min or so.

Either way I'm sticking to this & I intend to make tomorrow's session a good one ๐Ÿ’ฃ
โœ…Day 7 down of @naval's
60 day Meditation Challenge

Today I was seeing visuals (both positive & negative)

Some negative thought patterns showed themselves that I was previously unaware of

Instead of ruminating on them like I usually do...
I had to accept them in order to let them pass

There's a lot of thoughts that my mind produces that I don't like

But I just need to let them be so that they can go away

I wonder if it's possible to get to a place where negative thoughts lose their power

That's the goal ๐Ÿฅ…
โœ…Day 8 down of @naval's
60 day Meditation Challenge

I woke up late and had to be somewhere, worked late, and then wasted time until 12:30am before doing my meditation

I wasn't tired and feel that I made some progress in the session...
But I'm not happy that I didn't get it done before midnight

I have a terrible sleep schedule and today it impacted my mission

After building the meditation habit I'll need to work on my sleep next
โœ…Day 9 down of @naval's
60 day Meditation Challenge

In today's session I kept having the urge to unlock my phone to see how much time was left on my timer.

It felt like I had gone over an hour for a large portion of the session...
I also noticed some thoughts that were causing anxiety. They were repeating on loops and I was able to end them (at least temporarily) just by noticing them.

When I put my attention on them, they disappeared like rats scurrying away from a flashlight beam...
This session also happened late in the evening but at least I got it done before midnight ๐Ÿ˜‚

Tomorrow I'm going to make sure that I get my session done right after waking up.
โœ…Day 10 down of @naval's
60 day Meditation Challenge

Waited again until late in the evening.

I didn't notice much thought activity because I was tired.

I know I'm supposed to do it first thing in the morning to avoid this...

Waking up on time is key๐Ÿ”‘

โœ…Day 11 down of @naval's
60 day Meditation Challenge

Woke up on time and got it done from a place of wakefulness

Didn't notice any major mindset shifts or new awarenesses

It does feel great to have a solid streak going

As superficial as it may sound...
Tweeting every day about this challenge is a huge motivating force to keep me from dropping the ball

Even though I did the past few sessions late at night, I still did them

And I might not have if I didn't feel a sense of accountability

1hr a day is hard.
โœ…Day 12 down of @naval's
60 day Meditation Challenge

I did it this morning with a little cannabis in the system

Found myself writing down ideas for at least 1/3 of the session because I didn't want to lose them

From now on, sober meditations only.
โœ…Day 13 down of @naval's
60 day Meditation Challenge

I felt like I saw through the matrix tonight

I saw many visuals from my past as well as potential future scenarios

When visualizing these future scenes, I saw both negative and positive ones...
Most of us are either chasing or running away from something

Constantly desiring an infinite range of incredible future scenarios

Or fearing an infinite range of terrible ones

But living in the future creates a prison in our own minds...
Tonight I stepped out of this prison and realized that being attached to the positive outcomes keeps me stuck just the same as fearing the negative ones

Being emotionally attached to a future reality has kept me disconnected from the present moment for most of my life...
The goal now is to continue working towards the positive outcomes I desire without being attached to them...

While remaining present and enjoying the process ๐Ÿ“ˆ
โœ…Day 14 down of @naval's
60 day Meditation Challenge

I'm starting to see how building a consistent meditation habit can have game changing effects...
โœ…Day 15 down of @naval's
60 day Meditation Challenge

I don't feel like there's much to say about today's session

Meditation seems to be helping me become aware of my weaknesses and make improvements faster...

But it's not a magic pill ๐Ÿ’Š
โœ…Day 16 down of @naval's
60 day Meditation Challenge

Today's session was filled with thoughts of desire

Lust, Greed, Envy...

I didn't get to a place where the storm died down

But after finishing I feel more clear-minded, like the meditation purged my brain of the garbage
โœ…Day 17 down of @naval's
60 day Meditation Challenge

Noticed a black & white belief I've been operating under today

Pulled that fucker out like a weed

We limit ourselves with negative beliefs...

Progress ๐Ÿ“ˆ
โœ…Day 18 down of @naval's
60 day Meditation Challenge

Time is beginning to slow down subjectively between sessions

By the time I begin the next days session, I feel as if more and more time has passed...
Coming from a history of anxiety, it might just be that I'm not over-analyzing as much

Also, I used binaural beats for a few sessions last week when there were people around making noise

I wanted to use them today but it's probably best to not use any aids

โœ…Day 19 down of @naval's
60 day Meditation Challenge

This practice of letting thoughts run through your mind for 1hr is so different from the spiritual or dictionary definitions of "meditate" that I think we need a new word for it

It's not breath focus or "thinking deeply"...
It's letting go of our focus.

It's active surrender to existence.

It's diving into our minds and seeing how deep the rabbit hole of our psyche goes.

It's a process of awareness expansion that grants us greater clarity, peace & happiness...

Maybe we should call it "Expansion".
โœ…Day 20 down of @naval's
60 day Meditation Challenge

Finding peace amidst all the stuff I'm reading about #COVID19 is difficult...

But I think meditation is going to be the single most important habit to maintain sanity as the pandemic spreads.

I hope I'm wrong. Godspeed ๐Ÿ˜ท
โœ…Day 21 down of @naval's
60 day Meditation Challenge

Beginning to feel like the world outside of my head is on pause while in my meditation sessions.

It's a tranquil feeling.
โœ…Day 22 down of @naval's
60 day Meditation Challenge

I did the session yesterday but forgot to tweet about it

Life is hectic right now but I will continue to make time for meditation

The session didn't seem to calm me down but at least it made me aware of my poor responses
โœ…Day 23 down of @naval's
60 day Meditation Challenge

I did it last night and forgot to tweet about it about... again

I've been doing my sessions at night again which probably plays a role in forgetting to post the past couple days.

I need to wake up earlier.
โœ…Day 24 down of @naval's
60 day Meditation Challenge

I haven't been taking enough action.

I have loads of ideas for potential businesses/products...

And I can't stop having new ones.

Up until recently I would've said "ideation" is my greatest skill...
But I've yet to properly execute on a single one of my ideas.

Recently, I've been feeling negatively about letting my ideas collect dust.

During today's session, I was able to let go of this tension by resolving to choose one and start building it.

Then I was able to relax.
โœ…Day 25 down of @naval's
60 day Meditation Challenge

Got up early and completed today's session with plenty of energy.

I feel calm and clear ๐Ÿ™Œ

It almost feels like the days where I've done it before bed don't even count.

So crucial to do it at the beginning of the day.
โœ…Day 26 down of @naval's
60 day Meditation Challenge

Got up early and completed today's session at my new set time of 9-10am

Feels good.

I'm getting better at letting go of my attachment to my thoughts.

Even brief moments of separation from my ego are a breath of fresh air.
โœ…Day 27 down of @naval's
60 day Meditation Challenge

Got started at 9am again ๐Ÿ’ช

Meditation is like doing a deep clean on your mind & clearing out all the gunk you've been letting build up for years.

Living in filth is not an optimal state. Clean up time ๐Ÿงผ
โœ…Day 28 down of @naval's
60 day Meditation Challenge

Got started a little late at 9:30am

Mostly just sat in my thoughts today. No profound insights.

Tweeting about it is starting to seem silly but I'm going to keep documenting the process.
โœ…Day 29 down of @naval's
60 day Meditation Challenge

My diet has been shit the past 2 months after going strict carnivore for 4 months from September to December.

Right now it feels like my mind is stuck in a dense fog compared to how sharp I felt when in ketosis...
Meditation is making me aware of the damage poor nutrition is inflicting on my brain.

I need to get my diet/nutrition back in order ASAP.
โœ…Day 30 down of @naval's
60 day Meditation Challenge

Fear is pumping through Twitter & the MSM right now.

Meditation is a balancing force that helps us remain level-headed amidst the chaos.

Don't panic. Relax. Meditate.
โœ…Day 31 down of @naval's
60 day Meditation Challenge

I'm slowly becoming a more positive person.

Even with #COVID19 on the rise, I'm taking action to prepare myself for it without feelings of panic or helplessness.

2020 Vision:
Wear masks & meditate.
โœ…Day 32 down of @naval's
60 day Meditation Challenge

Meditation is great.

I think @realDonaldTrump should give it a try sometime.

It might cause him to spontaneously combust though...

We wouldn't want that.
โœ…Day 33 down of @naval's
60 day Meditation Challenge

I did today's session while under the influence of cannabis. Weed + meditation are a cool combination.

It felt like my thoughts were louder and that I could observe them more clearly.

Not going to make it a habit though.
โœ…Day 34 down of @naval's
60 day Meditation Challenge

Thoughts about #COVID19 have dominated my mind for weeks.

Meditation has helped keep me from sinking into despair, but it's not enough.

I need to start exercising again to calm my mind and strengthen my immune system.
โœ…Day 35 down of @naval's
60 day Meditation Challenge

Got interrupted multiple times today.

PSA: Not only should you always put your phone in DND while meditating..

Put a sign on your door that says you're meditating.

Getting interrupted during a flow state and is the worst.
โœ…Day 36 down of @naval's
60 day Meditation Challenge

I've been fidgeting a lot during my sessions.

Today I meditated from a reclined position with my feet up. Fidgeting was gone.

Not sure why people say a straight spine is so important.
โœ…Day 37 down of @naval's
60 day Meditation Challenge

I keep forgetting to post about it until much later in the day.

Been working entirely from home for the past two weeks and my schedule has gotten even more out of whack.

Did today's session in a reclined position again...
But the fidgeting returned.

I kept opening my eyes, looking around briefly, playing with my hands, etc.

Granted I had smoked weed before today's session which can be hit or miss. Sometimes I feel like I am able to "go deeper" while other times I get more distracted by thoughts.
โœ…Day 38 down of @naval's
60 day Meditation Challenge

Today I kept my spine straight and didn't smoke weed ๐Ÿ˜Ž

Other than that not much to report other than relaxation.

I recommend everyone takes up meditation as they confine themselves to their homes in the coming months.
โœ…Day 39 down of @naval's
60 day Meditation Challenge

Rolling out of bed, brushing your teeth, and getting right to your meditation session is the best way to do it.

Today was one of the few days that I actually did it.

I usually waste time online before getting started.
โœ…Day 40 down of @naval's
60 day Meditation Challenge

Today's session felt like it went by extremely quickly.

I'm starting to get into the flow state with regularity.

Still haven't figured out how to access this state during the rest of my days yet.

Imperfection is ok.
โœ…Day 41 down of @naval's
60 day Meditation Challenge

Not only is it important to avoid using technology before meditation sessions

I'm finding that diving back into the internet immediately after meditation is harmful as well.

Tomorrow I'm going to begin...
A practice of giving myself 15min after my session to:

1. Sit & reorient myself.
2. Go over my plan for the day.
3. Log any insights I gained from the session in my journal.

The time immediately post-meditation is when our minds are at their clearest.

Use it wisely.
โœ…Day 42 down of @naval's
60 day Meditation Challenge

Today's session was great.

Things are falling into place.

The more I let go during meditation, the easier it is to spur myself into action during my work hours.

Productivity is starting to increase.
โœ…Day 43 down of @naval's
60 day Meditation Challenge

I don't know why I waited to so long to start controlling my inputs.

Twitter, YouTube, Reddit... are amazing...

But only when used strategically.

Not consuming content before or after meditation is ๐Ÿ”‘

โœ…Day 44 down of @naval's
60 day Meditation Challenge

Expecting incredible benefits within the first few weeks of beginning your meditation practice is a bad mindset.

I recognize now that I will continue to see significant improvements the longer I keep going.

๐Ÿ“ˆ takes ๐Ÿ•ฐ
โœ…Day 45 down of @naval's
60 day Meditation Challenge

3/4 of the way there.

I honestly didn't know if I was going to be able to stick to this habit

But I put some skin in the game with this tweet thread and my motivation level rose.

Funny how the human brain works.
โœ…Day 46 down of @naval's
60 day Meditation Challenge

Waited to meditate till after watching the new @joerogan podcast episode w/ @duncantrussell

Couldn't stop thinking about the nature of reality, mortality, potential afterlife scenarios...

Those guys are on another level.
โœ…Day 47 down of @naval's
60 day Meditation Challenge

I'm grateful to be in a position where I get to meditate and work from home while the world goes to war with the virus.

Life is unpredictable and I'm just happy to be alive & healthy right now.
โœ…Day 48 down of @naval's
60 day Meditation Challenge

I'm grateful to have this habit in place as the pandemic gains momentum.

The first person in my network was just diagnosed with #COVID19 today.

Stay strong fam ๐Ÿ’ช
โœ…Day 49 down of @naval's
60 day Meditation Challenge

Sometimes when I realize that I've been stuck in a thought loop, I immediately feel a sinking sensation as I let go and "go deeper".

Today that happened a couple times.

It feels like accessing lower brainwave frequencies.
โœ…Day 50 down of @naval's
60 day Meditation Challenge

Almost done with the 60 days but there's no way I'm going to stop.

I'm tempted to start meditating all day every day.

No amount of productivity feels as good as a good meditation session.
โœ…Day 51 down of @naval's
60 day Meditation Challenge

The calmness is starting to spread into my waking life.

Over the past few days I've been able to persuade people in situations I would've floundered in before.

When people confront you with aggressive self-assuredness...
Bt remaining unemotional and holding the mental frame of certainty in your message/agenda, you can weather any storm of emotionality your prospect throws at you.

Meditation seems to be helping me become tougher under social pressure.

An interesting byproduct.
โœ…Day 52 down of @naval's
60 day Meditation Challenge

Did today's session in a new location.

It's interesting how different chairs, background noise etc. can effect the time it takes to settle.

Going back to my normal spot tomorrow. Consistency is ๐Ÿ”‘
โœ…Day 53 down of @naval's
60 day Meditation Challenge

During today's session I experienced a state of hopefulness that I haven't felt in a long time.

I was flashing through scenes of future success in my mind and felt like there were no barriers that could stop me...
Now after the session I'm continuing to experience an elevated mood. Even though we're in the midst of a pandemic, I feel happier than I have since it began.

All good things today.
โœ…Day 54 down of @naval's
60 day Meditation Challenge

It's easy to get stuck in the regret trap.

During today's session I noticed feelings of anxiety about wasted time in regards to making money.

I've known about E-Commerce since I read The 4 Hour Workweek back in 2012...
But still haven't taken serious action to build my own store in the past 8 years.

I've been carrying around a growing sense of shame due to my inaction.

Today I switched my thinking from: "Why haven't I done it yet?"
"It's ok, I just wasn't ready."

I'm starting to get...
Why some people say:
"Everything happens for a reason."

It's not that there's a preordained destiny mapped out

But that believing everything happened the way it was supposed to can provide closure so that you don't dwell in regret.

You have to be present to move forward.๐Ÿ“ˆ
โœ…Day 55 down of @naval's
60 day Meditation Challenge

In yesterday's challenge tweet I got honest about my business situation both with myself and the world.

My meditation session gave me the inspiration to do that.

Today I was more productive than I've been in years...
I wasn't holding onto the guilt of inaction.

I wasn't hiding from the truth of my situation.

And now I've made serious progress with starting a service business using my "funnel-hacking" & web design skills...
Today I got paid $500 for a website I built last week that took me 6.75hrs to create.

So my time is now worth $74/hr...
A month ago (prompted by the #COVID19 news I was seeing on Twitter) I quit both my jobs with the intention of figuring out how to work remotely.

I was making $15/hr

This is a significant income jump...
As long as I'm able to keep the ball rolling.

I've been so set on building my own eCom biz that I wasn't able to accept it wasn't the right starting point.

I need income now. And I need "expendable income" that I can use to run Ads as I test products and marketing angles...
Thanks for the constant hammering on the importance of meditation @naval

This habit is helping me see myself more clearly.
โœ…Day 56 down of @naval's
60 day Meditation Challenge

I don't know if most people are like this, but I have experienced a steady bombardment of self-critical thoughts for most of my life.

During today's session they were especially loud...
Instead of just letting them run like @naval says to, I repeated @kamalravikant's mantra, "I love myself", until they dissipated.

I'm unsure if this is a counter-productive strategy and I would see greater progress if I faced them head-on every time...
But I find repeating mantras can be a good way to stifle the noise.

I've used this hack multiple times throughout the past couple months.

For people who say "My anxiety is too high for me to meditate"

Mantras might be a valuable aid.
โœ…Day 57 down of @naval's
60 day Meditation Challenge

Sharing all these personal realizations has been my way of proving that I actually completed the sessions.

I wish I could think of another way to verify completed sessions but I'm not shy about sharing my thoughts...
I hope at least a few of you reading this thread gain some value from my introspection.

An important thing to mention beyond the thought/behavior modification I've been doing...
We are not our minds.

Our thoughts are not "us".

Someone more experienced than me please correct me if I'm wrong..

But I'd assert that the whole point of meditation is to figure out how to consistently disconnect our self-image/identity from our thoughts.
โœ…Day 58 down of @naval's
60 day Meditation Challenge

My greatest fear in life has been the fear of death.

Not because of the pain that may or may not be involved..

But because of the fact that I am going to lose my mind and all of the experiences and knowledge it contains...
For most of my life I have identified with my mind and built my identity around being someone who knows things.

It's painful to think about losing everything that I think I am.

Meditation is helping me let go of this fear...
I don't know what happens after I die, and in theory that is a frightening thing.

But right now, when I really let go of everything outside of this moment, there's nothing to be afraid of.

Right now is enough.
โœ…Day 59 down of @naval's
60 day Meditation Challenge

I'm so glad I decided to do this challenge two months ago.

Meditation is having a profound impact on my life.

I've noticed others on twitter taking up the challenge and I'm happy to see it.

Keep it going fam โœŒ๏ธโ™ฅ๏ธ๐Ÿง˜๐Ÿผโ€โ™‚๏ธ
โœ…Day 60 down of @naval's
60 day Meditation Challenge

Challenge Complete.

Over the past two months both my mind and the world have gone though intense changes.

I couldn't have picked a better time to integrate such a valuable habit into my life.

Never going to stop.
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