- Do you often sit cross-legged in chairs when possible? Does this feel more natural than sitting “normally”?
- Do you often notice every sound in the vicinity except the person you’re trying to listen to?
- Do you feel a buzzing, restless energy inside you when sitting and listening to lectures (such as at church/in a class?) Do you desperately want to pay attention, but someone is clicking a pen in the back of the room so you can't?
- Do you often set out to do something specific, then find yourself doing something else? Do you often feel a physical resistance to doing a task, so you do other, also-important tasks to compensate? (i.e., need to fold laundry, washes dishes and takes trash out instead)
- Did you skim/skip to the end of this thread because the mere thought of wading through big paragraphs of text makes your brain bluescreen?

If so, you might have the Can’t-Sit-Still Disorder!
Reading this a few months later, I can't believe that
1. I'm still getting notifications for this, (I'm so glad!!)
and also
2. I can't believe I wrote this at all?? I wrote it all in one sitting, in about 15 minutes if I remember correctly?
I'm overdue for reevaluating this and writing some commentary on it in light of the fact that I now know I'm autistic 🤔
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