Operation Mockingbird
Part 1
To @TheQniversity

Are you asleep?
How do you take over a country?
1)Disarm the public
2)Control the media
Who controls the media?
What is Operation Mockingbird?
The CIA started in 1947 under Harry S. Truman, he signed into law..
The National security act, behind the scenes it was developed by OSS officers such as William Donovan, Donovan was a catholic patsy who was ordained by the catholic church under the Jesuits, given the honor of the Knight of the Order of Silvester..
The Jesuits had mastered spying
Donovan, Admiral Rossco, Alan Dulez and other OSS agents were operating within the CIA, so the CIA was an extension of the OSS agents (PAPERCLIP). In the early 50's the CIA created Operation Mockingbird, in which they..
Funded over 400 students under the "International organization of Journalists" to where they groom and infiltrate "Journalists" into the media, papers and outlets to produce propaganda. They infiltrated into CEO positions of media outlets to control..
What information is to be made public. The CIA were instrumental with media sources as most high up CEOs came from secret Societies (illuminati), Such as the Hearst family (illuminati bloodline) were masters over the newspaper, most CEOs of all..
Major media corporations were CIA or illuminati bloodlines (same goal)
JFK's speech on April 27th 1961 was addressed to the press on secrecy and conspiracy, as the American press has the duty to call out such secrecy. The Bavarian illuminati was..
"Supposed" to be broken up after 1785, only to further infiltrate the Freemasons. So at this point Communism was encouraged by the Jesuits, Freemasons and the illuminati, Samuel Z Batten, 1919 "The book of the NWO" he urged that Baptist follow..
The agenda of socialism and rely on the government as a benevolent service to bring about a globalism that Jesus would want. So he was tricking the church into communism under socialism, therefore this was a plot by secret Societies, as well as..
Infiltrate the education system and indoctrinate the schools and younger generations into socialist ideals, once you can get a generation you can control society.
One of Operation Mockingbirds first projects was in the early 1960's including wire tapping 2..
America journalists as a test of being noticed. The main goal of Operation mockingbird was to indoctrinate journalists under influence to do the will of the CIA, these journalists were handpicked from IV league schools such as Yale , Harvard, Columbia ect..
Journalists picked are those who follow orders without question, or ousted onto the streets. Even Fox is controlled by "Gatekeepers", the Murdoch family are of the illumini.
After Watergate, congressional investigations were conducted between 1972-1976..
To examine CIA abuse. In 1973 The Washington Star news reported that CIA enlisted more than 30 Americans working as journalists under the order of William E, Colby.
Churches Committee report of 1976, CIA ties with foreign and domestic media and maintains..
Several hundred members around the world to provide CIA with intelligence as an attempt to influence public opinion through propaganda. These outlets include, newspapers, Press services, News agencies, Radio, TV, Book publishers, and foreign media outlets..
One of the agendas of the Bavarian illuminati was to take control of the libraries (Vatican) and media outlets to control propaganda over the public, this method is used by the CIA. In Feb 1976, GHWB (CIA director) announced that the CIA will not enter..
Into any contract of media relationship, however it did not state that non-contract worker (free lance or 3rd party) would be held to this standard. So who owns the media? Who conducts the information that news feeds go to?
The Reuters, AP (associated press) and the PA. The Reuters agency was est 1851 by Paul julius Reuter in Britain at the Royal London Exchange, financed by the Rothschilds. The banks have influence over the agencies, which the banks are controlled by the..
Rothschilds. From 1800 independent Papers and outlets, the Hearst family bought almost all, which eventually only 88 corporations owned and operated the media, now today is owned by 6 corporations who control 95% of the media.
Even though there was a propaganda ban, in 2013 the Barrack Obama (Barry soetoro) administration repealed it therefore making propaganda legal. What is Propaganda? The dissemination of beliefs, opinions or actions of a specific agency or agenda..
Examples of propaganda; CNN reporter Charles Jaco, was "supposedly" in Iraq and had to suddenly wear a gas mask when under attack, when in fact he was in a stage in front of a green screen, then there's HRC arriving at Bosnia, after arriving at airport..
Supposedly ran for cover under sniper fire, which was a lie and in both situations (lies) was defended by the media as a(scenario), therefore the media covered up known lies. The goal of the controlled (mockingbird) media is to repeat an idea or agenda..
Received through 4am talking points, after repeated over and over on every media network reaching millions of viewers to control the masses through the idea of; (repeat until deceit is known as truth). For any true journalism will be attacked or censored ...
From such outlets as Media, FB, YouTube, Twitter ect. So who are journalists/political figures and were are they recruited from? Yale (322) and other IV league schools are simply recruiting grounds for the elite to find media/political figures to further...
Their agenda of a new world order.
Such as GHWB from Yale (322), curious George Bush from Yale, Barrack Obama (Barry soetoro,CIA created) from Columbia university. Many teachers from these universities are scouts paid by the CIA to recruit those who will..
Those who will follow the agenda without question. Such as Andersen Cooper from Yale (322) in 1989, who is also the great grandson of Robert Baron Comondor Vanderbilt or Cornelius Vanderbilt and the son of Gloria Vanderbilt. During the Bush administration..
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