Possibly Unpopular Opinion: I think Scarecrow should be black. https://twitter.com/okayplayer/status/1222945572111421441
I think I would like very much to see a black Scarecrow, a man who struggled to become a success in a system designed to harm him, use that system to get his revenge on every cog in the machine that tried to rob him of his opportunities and his agency.
That'd be super interesting. And also it would be super interesting to see how American audiences would react. I bet they wouldn't be so sympathetic! No making "woobies" out of the rogues gallery anymore!
Why Scarecrow over Joker? Because a scarecrow is a scapegoat. A placeholder or stand in for what the crow should really fear. It takes the abuse of the elements while the farmer sits inside.
And American society has used black people as scapegoats since we arrived on these shores. Telling non-black Americans to fear us and hate us to keep them from focusing on the own vice they found themselves pinned within.
Scarecrow (the villain, not the object) taking that fear and deciding to wield it as a weapon? Breaking the machine by putting it into overdrive? Yeah, sign me up. I want tickets to that spectacle.
Just as Ivy and Catwoman use the male gaze and sexism to their own advantage, I want to see a black Scarecrow that uses anti-black racism to his. To take the horrible card one has been dealt and use it to jimmy a lock open.
In summary: https://twitter.com/cheryllynneaton/status/1158593266457202688
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