1/12 This thread will explore why Verasity tech AND their IMPRESSIVE FIVE star team IS the real deal AND at $1.5M MC IMO one of the best ROI investments in 2020

Verasity must not be ignored $VRA
2/12 Verasity is an attention-based video platform of which its SDK can be integrated into 95%+ video players online.

Twitch, Vimeo, JWPlayer, Brightcove, Kaltura and Video.js.
It takes less than 30 mins for the SDK to be integrated into any of the above video platforms
3/12 Publishers are struggling to monetize. Viewers BLOCK ADS, while YT + FB take larger shares of publisher revenue.

Publishers need a mechanism that increases revenue + engagement WITHOUT changing viewer habits.
This requires higher engagement, ad fill + click through rates
4/12 Video constitutes >90% internet traffic + ad revenue is $300B+. W/ Verasity tech stack, viewers rewarded $VRA for watching ads

They can hold/sell or exchange for vouchers for brand products, convert to Amazon + McDonald vouchers, exchange for game subscriptions/products
5/12 Verasity Game Store Q1 2020

Partnership GameZBoost https://gamezboost.com/ 

Over 550+ game publishers w/ 100M+ monthly views will have Verasity tech stack integrated. This provides gamers with $VRA / $VRAB tokens as rewards to increase engagement + improve monetization 🔥
6/12 Verasity and JUN

( http://www.juncapital.io ), entered an agreement focused on accelerating the awareness + adoption of Verasity product into the Asian market.

"Verasity screams quality at the highest level possible. This is ALREADY at the top of the list structurally."
7/12 $VRA

Verasity team consists of serial entrepreneurs. I see them driven to new heights in terms of adoption + marketcap in 2020.

I did my own research and discovered they are big players w big money backing them. Clearly, their ambitions are higher than $1.5M MC.

R J Mark - Co-Founder $VRA

Provided new ways to broadcast and stream video-content. Prev companies inc. OVEX Ltd, Liquidstream, DataGard. Involved in building large streaming platforms w ad stacks scaling to billions of ad impressions 🔥


“Video is a powerful tool to educate, engage + entertain. Verasity video player solution offers the perfect vehicle for viewers, publishers + content creators to benefit from utility of blockchain. Binance + Verasity leading the charge globally”

@cz_binance $VRA / $VRAB
You can follow @LLLuckyL.
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