Self-love 2020
Some people are tired of hearing it. Others claim they don’t know how to do it. All need to embody it. Why you ask? Lack of self-love is the root of ALL EVIL. Yes. Jealousy, envy, anger, resentment, etc. any negative feeling you feel entitled to is how you feel about yourself
Not the other person. WHAT? “No DJ people have done some foul shit to me that I would never do to someone else.” And listen to me, I believe you. You would never act that way to others but I know for a fact you act that way to yourself. How do I know? Like attracts like.
It’s a law. When you attract a liar you’re lying to yourself about something. It could be how you live your life in general, if you’re living it for other people, limiting yourself or potential (yes this is all lying to yourself) so you’ll attract liars. When you attract cheaters
You’re insecure. The reason why anyone cheats is because they’re insecure. Some are insecure and will cheat. Some are insecure and will talk down on themselves, double check their partners phone, play scenarios of how their partner will leave them. These thoughts will eventually
Take over your perception and you will project the insecurity on your partner. The partner could either leave or stay. Most stay due to insecurity and just cheat. At the end of the day they don’t what to be left alone either. Cheating comes from lack of self-love.
People fear to end one relationship before starting new because at the end of the day they don’t love themselves enough to be on their own. When you don’t have self-love you will always create problems with other people even if that is not your intentions. Your perception is all
you know. You move based off your perception. Aka how you talk and deal with yourself. If you do yourself the dirtiest by believing you’re not good enough, doubting yourself, talking down to yourself etc you WILL treat the people the closest to you like that as well.
That’s why we have that common phrase “we tend to hurt the ones we love the most” when in reality we treat the ones closest to us exactly how we treat ourselves. A lot of you are just good at hiding your insecurity which will manifest into those sayings, “they pretended to be
Someone they’re not” well if you know you don’t like yourself but pretend to be your best version to get someone. Understand the moment you let your guard down with that individual your lack of self love will show and that person will view you as the liar. See how that works?
So yes everyone self-love is important. And if you know how to love another person then you do know how to show it to yourself. It isn’t rocket science. If you wouldnt talk shit to a love one when they fail, don’t do that to you. If you wouldn’t give up on someone, don’t give up
On you. If you would stand up for someone, stand up for you. Treat yourself like an innocent child. Be nurturing, patient and kind to yourself like you would want your partner to do for you. Self-love is accountability. Self-love is power. Self-love is the new wave.
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