At some point I had infiltrated incel subreddits just to face what's really been going on and it was terrifying. I broke down multiple times because of normally they may exist amongst us given what they're capable of. I'm gonna try to summarize major patterns to look out for:
1. The most obvious one is self pity. They think they're the victims who go unnoticed by women because of how shallow women are and/or how other men may be better.
2. Pedophilia. A lot of them seemed to show attraction to teenage girls. It's clearly a power/predator thing
3. They tend to base their entire worth on sex/relationships. That's all they talk about. They stop caring about their careers, health etc
4. Sexism. Duh. A lot of them believe that the breaking down of a patriarchal order is causing and imbalance and making them lose out
5. They tend to believe sexual harassment, leering and making a pass at women is innocent behaviour. They often get offended when they're called creeps for it. In fact, most personal stories were about scenarios where they have been fired for the same and were demanding "justice"
6. Insecurity. They consistently compare themselves to "Chad". The ideal handsome, rich, strong guy. This isn't just self deprecation but also discarding the effort other men may put towards being better than them.
7. Rating. This one was a bitch. They rate women with ease and -
Rate themselves in comparison. The general Norm is that a man can get a woman 2 points above him.
8. While most of them talk about how looks don't matter when ref to themselves, they all tend to be fatphobic, demanding hourglass figures etc.
9. Racism: not only do they want women of a certain race but they often whine about how they aren't getting women because THEY belong to a certain race. They subscribe to stereotypes like black guys have big dicks etc.
10. A lot of them express rape fantasies
11. Consistently trying to blame external circumstances for their state. Some of them go as far as to say they're "cursed" or there's a conspiracy against them. They refuse to take accountability for how shit their life may be in general. Thereby, refusing to make any changes
The scary thing is how they try to guise it in society. They turn into stalkers, rapists and even murderers before you can indentify them. Please watch out for these red flags. Don't fall for the whole "boohoo I'm a nice guy, nobody loves me" narrative.
Since a couple of you have mentioned it. Yes, most of them tend to cater to alt right political beliefs but their conversations are rarely about that. It's more about their immediate life and ofc the ramifications of feminism. Their main targets are feminist & queer identities
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