A thread of amusing things my new design lead says:
Hit it with the Pretty Stick!!
Everybody loves their baby no matter how ugly it is.
*says something at the same time as manager* I was gonna say jinx but then I’d have to buy you coke and coke is expensive.
*about a sketch symbol in our design system’s library* I’m gonna detach it, don’t scream..
That becomes a whole other kettle of fish!
An old one I found in my notes: Stick in the mud? Well that gives me two options, I can step on it and bury it or I can pull it from the ground.
Intenses purposes
Give a girl a drill, and she will 😌

... She meant pandemic haha.
This is from a different lead I’m helping bc he’s new to IBM so I’ve been giving him my Sketch spiel and I guess it’s working:

*is about to detach a symbol * You might wanna look away for this..

This thread is lowkey a bust cuz I got word last week I’m switching teams permanently, BUT there are enough wacky ppl at IBM for me to wanna continue so without further ado...!
*moving little webex window unaware that I can’t see myself on her screenshare* Oh, just gna move your beautiful face outta the way so I can show this

*later* for now get the creative juices flowing & I’ll send [file] bc ik you creatives need water to start up those juices 🧃
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