It is a common misconception that clever people are nonthreatening and timid, because the idiot prefers swift, aggressive and direct action, over long-term planning, thoughtfulness and consideration - he finds these things irritating and soft, because they do not signal dominance
The idiot is as such, preoccupied more with dominance signalling than due planning, understanding, and conducting proper threat assessment. He cares more about "looking strong" than "being effective"

Such men never make adequate colonels or generals, but you must still lead them
One need only look at words such as "nerd", "geek" and "boffin" to see the contempt the stupid have for the clever

Naturally, all these words imply a cowardliness and a meekness of sorts, because to insult someone purely for being cleverer than you sounds stupid even to the dumb
There is an advantage and a disadvantage to this.

When it suits you to appear less threatening, you should use more complex language, and exude an energy of general thoughtfulness and reluctance, this will make even the meanest, biggest, tallest and most muscular man appear safe
When it suits you to appear more threatening (remember what I said earlier about leading less intelligent men?) you must focus on dominance signalling - shit test, swear, and possess a general aggressiveness & overt willingness to engage in conflict

Or they will not respect you.
Do this well enough, and rowdy non-thinking men will revere you enough to bestow you General Mattis tier nicknames, like "Chaos", "Mad Dog" and "Warrior Monk"

Savour and imbibe this thread for your own erudition, and may it serve you well.

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