A Thread: Twin Souls
This thread is a little different than I what normally talk about, but it ties into some of the things we’ve already discussed, which is why I think you will find it interesting. This is a more in depth look into the concept of twin flames or twin souls as I like to say.
Everyone is familiar with the idea of soul mates. Almost everyone at some point in their lives has been convinced they found theirs. I believe these soul ties are real, but they don’t always last. People will have many soul mates throughout their life.
However, I believe there’s an even stronger connection than the one between soul mates and that’s the connection twin souls have. Is it possible to literally share a part of your soul with someone?
The idea of twin souls reminds me of a Greek myth. Apparently humans were originally created with four arms, four legs and a head with two faces. Fearing their power, Zeus split them into two separate parts, condemning them to spend their lives in search of their other halves.
If we were to think about this scientifically we might say someone’s twin soul is someone they’re quantumly entangled with. We now know particles can somehow be invisibly linked to each other across vast distances. Einstein called it spooky action at a distance.
The relationship twin souls have does not always seem magical. When they meet it can actually be very disruptive and frustrating. Usually there will be a runner. One of them will run away from the intense emotions they feel, and the other will be very hurt by this.
However, this is an alchemical process that changes both people. Like the famous psychoanalyst Carl Jung said, the meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances: if there is any reaction, both are transformed.
The idea of twin souls is also found in the Zohar, a mystical Jewish text. It teaches that before God sends souls into the world, they are formed in male and female pairs. Once on Earth, these souls are then rejoined by God at the right time.
There’s also an ancient ritual reserved for twin souls known as hieros gamos, or holy marriage, where practitioners act out a wedding between a god and goddess. The ritual was supposed to trigger an awakening within the individuals, where they experienced union with the divine.
And this is the point of meeting your twin soul. Just by working as a team, both of you will naturally reach new levels of consciousness, and both of you will naturally raise the consciousness of those around you. This relationship is meant to be beneficial to the world.
According to Debbie Maya, a psychic and medium, you might be able to tell who your twin soul is using astrology. She says if you can look at two peoples charts and see synastry involving Pluto, Saturn, and Chiron, that’s usually a sign.
Pluto is the planet of deep transformation and Saturn is the planet of control and karma. Chiron represents a spiritual wound as well as a spiritual gift. All these themes will definitely be present while dealing with your twin soul.
However, if you feel that you haven’t found yours yet, or maybe you have but they aren’t currently with you, be patient, because it will happen at the right time.
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