(Thread) Why Trump Supporters Willingly Embrace his Lies

Spoiler: They embrace the lies because the lies destroy, and they want to destroy.

It explains why @SenateGOP are shamelessly lying to the public and know their supporters don't care.

Scholars have done work on this. https://twitter.com/WalshFreedom/status/1222698975356170241
1/ The entire point of Trump’s campaign to “Make America Great Again” is to lead us back to a time before the civil rights movement, before laws against insider trading, before the New Deal and federal agencies that regulate the commerce of plutocrats . . .
2/ . . . back to the time white men could do as they pleased and grab whatever they wanted.

On the frontier, they could grab land!
They could grab people and enslave them!
They could grab women⤵️

🎵Those were the days🎵 https://twitter.com/Teri_Kanefield/status/1044239602477723648
3/ What is standing in the way of returning to the days of white male supremacy?

Lots of federal agencies and laws. This includes the FBI. Someone asked how the party of "law and order" turned into the anti-FBI party.

The answer is easy. . .
4/ The GOP was the law and order party back when the chief business of law enforcement was to put black men in jail.

But when law enforcement began looking at white collar crimes. . . watch out!

Yesterday Trump's lawyer made an astounding statement to the nation.
5/ Trump's lawyer, Philbin said that Trump accepting information about a political opponent from foreign governments is fine, if it's "relevant information."

People were shocked. Don't be shocked. Trumps thinks he should be able to do whatever he wants.
6/ Yes, it's autocracy.

It's also the way privileged white men lived in the U.S. before all those pesky federal agencies and laws.

Slaveowners lived like kings.

There is a direct line from the Confederacy, to Jim Crow laws and the KKK, to the Trump-Fox-GOP.
7/ If you want to dismantle all the federal agencies and regulations put in place since the New Deal, the Civil Rights Movement, and the women's rights movement, you can either dismantle them slowly, or you can bring in a human wrecking ball.

Trump is a human wrecking ball.
8/ When Sarah Huckabee Sanders defended Trump’s lies by arguing that his false statements actually point to something true, she offered an explanation for why Trump supporters embrace transparent lies.

The lies, she said, point to an important truth.
9/ “President Obama was born in Africa,” for example, is a provable lie, but it points toward what to Trump’s supporters see as a deeper truth: President Obama is black, and therefore, isn’t "real" American, and he most certainly should not be president.
12/ They also explain that the people who want to destroy the political establishment today are those threatened by growing diversity. In other words, they're threatened by the loss of white male rule.

Trump's lies destroy.
That's why Trump's followers willingly embrace them.
14/ Poor whites also supported the Confederacy and slave ownership, even though it actually hurt them by forcing them to compete with free labor.

They supported it, though, because there are people (lots of them, actually) who prefer hierarchy.
15/ The idea that there is a natural hierarchy appeals to people who find disorder and chaos in democracy.

The idea of hierarchy informs fascism.

Democracy is messy business. It's chaotic and slow and frustrating. (Just for local office and try to get something done).
16/ It's easy for people to feel frustrated by the slow grinding work of democracy.

An autocrat can make things happen fast.

Trump is an autocrat who promises to return to a bygone [mythic] era when America was a simpler place (and white men could do as they pleased).
17/ Hannah Arendt, in the Origins of Totalitarianism, explains that the followers of someone like Trump think his lies make him clever.

(I think it was @jenmercieca who first posted this quotation)

People ask me how I stay optimistic. I have a strange explanation. . .
18/ Actually, two reasons.

#1: My husband and his family experienced the Pinochet dictatorship. If you think Trump is bad, let's talk about Pinochet. The Chileans, though, got out from under that dictatorship using political means. They didn't have to resort to violence.
19/ Reason #2: I just finished writing a series of biographies spanning American history (my Making of America) series, so I know that Americans have already gotten out from under worse.

I have threads on how Susan B. Anthony and FDR taught us how to do it.
You can follow @Teri_Kanefield.
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