Apropos of nothing, this week I put about 30 potatoes that had sprouted into soil, and I'm trying to germinate some clover, basil, bee balm, stinging nettle, and white mulberry. So far zero success, other than the potatoes. 🤷‍♂️
Oh now we're getting some action.
Other signs of life. Two pics of clover and another of garlic that a squirrel(?) thoughtfully put in a sheltered spot.
Everything has finally sprouted/rooted.

My first batch is potatoes, basil, clover, stinging nettle, and bee balm.
Some chestnuts in progress, inspired by @BuildSoil

Link helping with this quest.
Blackberries scarifying and then what I had before I put them in cold storage waiting for a place to plant them. These are basically just blackberries I ate and then spit the seeds out, let my saliva and warm water do scarification. Don't know if they'll germinate at all.
My basil is looking good. :D
A couple of shots of compost that I think is in good shape, and some new seeds I think might be cool >_>
more signs of life around the yard
And my crimson clover is still doing just fine
And some garlic! I can't remember if I planted this or if a squirrel put it there.

Not pictured: creepily burying them in their pile under moonlight.
Creepy Ramps planting site. 🌱
Just some more green happening!
1. mint
2. I dunno but the leaves are pretty
3. dandelion
4. crocus
Some more!
1. Potato plant that reeeeeeally needs a new home
2. Groundcover hardy perennial from last summer that didn't get planted yet
3. Some free seeds from a perhaps misguided "re-meadowing packet"
Some more!
1. bee balm, milkweed, nettle, and something I forget
2. some of my moss sending out sporophytes
3. probably queen anne's lace
4. mystery salad green. i tried a nibble a couple days ago and it was tasty. clearly something else has also been nibbling :D
Planted today with the help of the toddler:
Grecian Windflowers
Whorled Rosin Weed
Prairie Dock
Prairie Pussytoes
Compass Plant
Cup Plant
Rosin Weed
Prairie Smoke
Nodding Onion
Canadian Goldenrod
Queen Anne's Lace
Meant to include this radish in this thread! https://twitter.com/joelmeador/status/1243004969927806977
Some more green:
1) radish
2) same radish but a couple days bigger
3) daucus carota volunteer - I had a single one last year. I churned the flowerheads in soil on warm day mid-winter, also seeded a few hundred in yard
4) oasis - the very back corner of my place - mulberry voluntr
More green!:
1) Hydrangea budding nicely
2) Either Iris or Squill. Neighbor's yard so don't know. They are brilliant
3) not really green per se, but planted with toddler: wood sage, hosta, comfrey
4) bulb we planted a month ago breaking out - I believe this is gladiolus
unattractive (right now) but productive green!
1) just some food stubs rooting
2) planted the butter lettuce, some celery, and a bok choy - the whole raised garden w/ lots of nitrogen-fixer clover mixed in
3) seeds from sweet peppers - just dropped em in
4) wheat grass w/ toddler
A few tweets of things my toddler asked me to take pictures of:
1) unknown berry
2) unknown pretty blue flowers that are ubiquitous in neighborhood
3) same blue flowers
4) the irises/squills in a different light
more toddler requests:
1) new growth of english ivy
2) tiny white flowers ground cover
3) seed pods from a berry bush of some sort
4) crocus
last of toddler requests for now:
1) dried white flowers from overwintering
2) the bushes in our front flower bed, last year's growth above this year's emerging
Subtweeting myself to start some mosses and lichens from the spring so far https://twitter.com/joelmeador/status/1239325394454614016
less description for a while, just enjoy the greens
last one for now!
I just love moss, y'all.
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