seokmin and jeonghan always do things together that even svt get jealous. seokmin and jeonghan always choose to be roomies bc theyre considerate of eo. seokmin said jeonghan is the first person he thinks of whenever hes having a hard time. jeonghan said the same thing w seokmin.
jeonghan was the first one to watch seokmin’s musical secretly and ended up crying so much. jeonghan said his heart feels at ease whenever they’re together. jeonghan gets sulky when seokmin wants to room with other members. seokmin’s mom calls jeonghan to ask him about seokmin.
seokmin calls jeonghan his soulmate. seokmin posted so many selfies with jeonghan for his bday. seokmin told jeonghan to go together until they die. seokmin sometimes acts like the hyung and takes care of jeonghan. for seokmin healing is drinking beer w jeonghan after a long day.
seokmin and jeonghan have customized couple angel wing necklaces. seokmin and jeonghan bought matching sweaters and decided to wear them at the airport. seokmin said he wants matching underwear with jeonghan next.
seokmin and jeonghan did the dwc intro for diamond edge. seokmin and jeonghan performed bring it for caratland. seokmin did all of jeonghan’s parts during his absence. seokhan tolerates each other the most. in short seokhan married thank u.
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