there’s this couple that be comin at work often w the black girl they adopted & idk..

at some point it started to make me think about things.

western world tryna clear ancestral karma via “humanitarianism” & adoption while simultaneously keeping YT patriarchy alive.. no.
the math is not adding up at all & this is problematic on so many levels.

your ancestors destroyed Africa & you think that just bc you adopt a child & “give” them a “better” life, that’s redemption?
i know ppl aren’t aware of this unconscious motivation of karma clearing,
but it’s definitely HERE.
& the proof that it’s karma clearing is, same ppl won’t donate a coin or a piece of food to their fellow poor ppl in the street but suddenly, they feel guided to pay associations to bring a bowl of rice to someone somewhere in Africa? nonsense.
& about adoption, the motive is selfish af. i’m not saying it in a particularly negative fashion bc selfish shouldn’t necessarily hold such a negative connotation, it simply means that the only referential is self.
so yea, selfish as fuck.
it’s never the ones that can procreate that be taking such decisions (generally they don’t).

shit tends to go like “i can’t procreate so i will adopt”.
then it goes like “plus they will have a better chance at life with me” . (cont).
the part where they actually will be helping the child never comes first. it’s never “lemme adopt & do something meaningful” that comes in those ppl’s minds first.

& the worst part is, it’s really a consolation lot for them.
& it shows when you listen to what ppl say.
i remember all of my coworkers (that were there during the shift i was on) at my ex job, going to the point of arguing with me because “NEAUX, you can’t love an adopted child as much as you would love your child” - GROSS.

so you can only love a child if it’s your flesh?

& about this couple at work..
i just feel so much compassion for this little black girl.

normal people just be buying shit for their kids without making it a big deal but them??
they make it seem like she owes them.
the other day that man literally said “we’re doing this for you (insert name), particularly for you, only for you!”

like who the hell buys food to their kids making it seem like they did sum special the kid should feel beholden for.

big yikes.
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