Bolshevik activists, the genocidal kind as shown in the Soviet Union, are running Bernie Sanders' campaign and nobody cares.

If Trump's staff were actual Nazis, who wore swastikas and thought the Holocaust did happen but wasn't finished yet, there would be absolute hell to pay.
This is why you absolutely suck now, @theneedledrop. You know these people are dangerous and should not be anywhere near power, and yet you're out here with a begging cup for Bernie like he's a messiah.
Like, Anthony, @shoe0nhead, I appreciate you guys like Bernie's politics and while I might not be in full agreement with you on it all. But Bernie's staffers actually have a list of people they are actually going to kill when the time comes.
It is the same story with Jeremy Corbyn's Labour Party. They are surrounded by Marxist-Leninists, who doubtless believe Lenin was true Marxist-Leninism and not Stalin's boorish version, but they come to the same conclusion: kill the counterrevolutionaries!
These people are dangerous. I don't find that on the right.

"We love democracy, because we're gonna win!" - Steve Bannon

Steve Bannon, Dominic Cummings, and Nigel Farage do not have lists of people to kill. They are democrats 100%.
The only difference is that Bernie Sanders has narrowed the scope of this class too much, it's not just billionaires, it's ALL property owners that are to blame.

They would find anyone they consider a "landlord" and persecute them because they are counterrevolutionaries.
I get that Bernie has been under attack a lot of late, and that you're tired of defending him from DNC lies and their latest attempt to prevent him from taking over the party, but there is probably a good reason why these people shouldn't take over the party.
Tulsi or Yang would make a much more healthy choice, whereas it seems that Bernie's revolution's is the source of the sickness; it is anti-patriotic. You can't run a country that way, and the Democratic party will consume itself after it has failed. That's Bernie's future.
And it's all because the Bolsheviks close to and manipulating Bernie will demand it.

This is not something worth supporting.
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