2: #NowYoReligionStankyToo
The surreal timeline of Donald Trump, Mike Pence, and Jeffrey Epstein’s arrest
Bill Palmer | 8:58 pm EDT July 7, 2019
Mike Pence disappearing and the White House refusing to admit why. Then last night a very big puzzle piece....
3: #NowYoReligionStankyToo
Quote (screen capture & here) from: https://spectator.us/the-beeb-vs-the-donald/
"A significant part of Trump’s support comes from evangelicals...Whether they can ignore abortions and sexual assault –if proven– is another matter"
4: #NowYoReligionStankyToo featuring TWO books.
The Immoral Majority: Why Evangelicals Chose Political Power over Christian Values
The book that in truth started the whole printing books trend.
Cultural cornerstones are exactly that, no denying history.
6: #NowYoReligionStankyToo
President Trump made 16,241 false or misleading claims in his first three years
Believing a lying liar is God making it obvious how badly his people suck.
Pro-Trump Evangelicals suck only according to the Bible, so..no problem?
7: #NowYoReligionStankyToo
Did I mention that President Trump is a credibly accused pedophile known to have been the wing-man for notorious underage sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein?
Trump has been making disturbing comments about young girls for years
8: #NowYoReligionStankyToo
Now I am not saying that Trump is the devil (#4) or that he is going to hell (#7) or that he is the anti-Christ (here).
I AM SAYING that Trump is the kind of guy you should think about whenever the devil, being hell-bound, or the anti-Christ comes up.
(NOTE: this's backup for same @heywashdatass.)
9: #NowYoReligionStankyToo
Now let's see how my account holds up now that I've tweeted some controversial things that belong in this thread.
I think my tweets may already be hidden from Twitter search results.
These next three currently ending the active thread in "Ass Stank One" I'm just adding here in "Ass Stank Two" because I really REALLY like them.
No other reason.
14B: #NowYoReligionStankyToo #WWJD:
He wouldn't make teenage girls who made a mistake pay for the rest of their lives...
he WOULD rip religious leaders that bind that burden to those girls.
You'll only see it my way if you can take in...
14C: #NowYoReligionStankyToo #WWJD:
I could've said 14B MUCH BETTER.
You don't have to take in EVERYTHING, you could literally take in ANYTHING HE EVER SAID OR DID & agree w/ me.
Always ripped religious leaders; easy on kids, women, & the less esteemed.
You can follow @HeyWashDatAss2.
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